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The Crucible

The Crucible is an ancient slave-trading organization recently revived by Sinestra to advance her own agenda.

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Not exactly a faction, but a setting, a canvas, or writers' public resource if you will. To be freely used by writers of the board -- whether it's for their slave or slaver backstories, the NPC (or PC) bad guys you want to beat up to a pulp in your stories, or the hub for those writing slavers or other similar bad-breath sorta folks.


Founded by the Sith Lord Ieldis, the Crucible's purpose was to build standing armies from refugees displaced by wars. They operated as a nomadic group, deploying Skyreaper drones to capture individuals and funnel them into slave pits. Once in the pits, captives were forced to engage in brutal combat with one another, leading them to mental collapse. This process was highly effective, turning even the most peaceful individuals into merciless killers.

Members of the Crucible wore the "Flames of the Crucible" tattoo, inscribed in a runic language that contained hidden meanings understood only within the organization. The leader held the title of Magister Impressor, with the second-in-command known as Magister Protector. The group's violent ethos allowed recruits to rise in rank by killing their overseers and claiming their position. This brutal system meant the Crucible had no use for healers; injured members were simply replaced.

The Crucible fell into disarray during the Mandalorian Wars, but it has recently been revived by Sinestra, who seeks to pursue her own agenda through the reestablished organization.



The Crucible can be a source of NPC opposition for you to use in your stories. You wanna cleave through slavers? Go nuts. You wanna be chased down by Skyreaper drones across a desert? Go nuts. You wanna crash an auction and liberate the slaves? Go. Nuts.

Use the Crucible as you see fit to facilitate your stories as you wish. No need to ask for permissions or whatever - NPC them as you wish. The resource is yours.

Or perhaps your character was a slave in his backstory? Killed their captors and escaped? A Jedi raid liberated them from captivity? Or maybe your character was a slaver? Maybe still is?

Go nuts.

I will drop the occasional public-prefix slave raid thread, but you're also free to do so yourself and use the Crucible as your vehicle. Go nuts. If you want to throw hands with the Crucible iv a PvP scenario rather than PvE, feel free to tag me. If I've got the time or the interest, I'll be happy to dance.



Magister Impressor: The leader of the Crucible. The Magister Impressor oversaw the capture of new recruits, placement of successful trainees and disposal of the failures. Ah, yes, that's Sinestra Sinestra .

Magister Protector: The warden of the whole organization. The Magister Protector concern themselves in dealing with threats to the organization. A single position, currently held by no one.

Taskmasters: Slave raid leaders. The big goons who take the operational authority figure among smaller goons in slave raids.

Overseer: Slaves themselves, but were tasked with the responsibility of supervising the duels of other slaves and their gladiatorial training.

Slave: Self-explanatory.

Slavers: Independent slavers or slaver collectives that sell their captives to the Crucible either for a fixed price or for a cut from auctions.




THE SLAVE PITS are gladiatoral-styled pits in which slaves fight each other till the point that they broke mentally. While The Gladiator has one atop of it, the Crucible operates such slave pits in various, remote points across the galaxy.


THE SKYREAPER DRONES are... I mean who hasn't watched the Matrix? The drones are used to assault targets and capture slaves for Agent Smith... the Crucible.


PATH ENGINES are what differentiates the Crucible from other slaver groups and what makes them effective and feared. The Crucible's ships, mainly Stormships, are all equipped with Path Engines due to the reinstated organization's loose ties with the now-vanquished Brotherhood of the Maw. The source of new paths has been placed upon Siri, a Chiss sky-walker with a gift for Instinctive Astrogation.


THE GLADIATOR is an 800-meter long prison ship of the same model as the Korvix Vorn, however equipped with far heavier armament. It serves as the flagship of the Crucible and is captained by self-styled 'Fleet Admiral' Crix Halcorr, a washed up former Imperial Naval Captain.

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