Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wearing: xxx
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

His comm chirped with the new contact detail exchange popping up on the screen. Marcus grinned something mischievous as he typed some kind of nickname into the device. He couldn't have anyone thinking he was in contact with Jedi, or anyone that may arrest potential business partners. Not everyone Riggs worked with was on the up and up, and Valery had to have known that already. He was the exact type to cheat at cards.

They all were.

He had to hold in a laugh when the master Jedi coughed and nearly choked on the drink. It was strong. Damon Riggs never really touched the weaker stuff. That meant the bottle he left behind which Marcus found was rather potent.

"Yeah… you're going to want to sip and not gulp. Drink it like that and it's gonna go right to your head."

A small smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth.

"Though I've never seen a drunk Jedi before. Do you all make the same stupid mistakes the rest of us do when you've had too much?"

Some might call it flirting, but Marcus was genuinely curious. He wanted to know. After all the smuggler usually avoided these types. Odd enough, Valery did not seem like the self righteous type. Maybe that was why he agreed to let her teach him. If she could be this chill with her attitude after catching him cheat, she would likely handle his other failings just as well.

She was right about one thing, it was probably a bad idea to train with too much alcohol in his system. The only problem with that was it took more than one right sized glass of brandy to get him there. From what he could observe though, Valery couldn't handle a second glass.

That's why he only poured more for himself and started to sip it.

"Well if we're not training I'm having another glass then. I can't get the final part until the morning anyway, and there is still a half pot of caf to help sober me up if I need it."

His eyes dipped again, whether to the liquid in his glass or to places he shouldn't be looking, Marcus couldn't say. He was more tired then he thought which meant the alcohol was getting to him faster than it should have.

Marcus would be fine.

"I'll be fine. There has to be something we can do? May not need the booze to be amiable, but it definitely loosens me up. It makes me less guarded. Perfect time to take advantage of whatever it is you want to know."

He nodded.

Marcus was already getting tipsy.



Outfit: Undercover
Weapons: Blasters

"I can't say I've seen a drunk Jedi either, but we'd likely be just as wild. Most of us, anyway." She smirked in return and looked down into her glass. She swirled the contents around and let out a gentle breath. The brandy had loosened her up already, so she wasn't feeling all that embarrassed anymore. It would have been far stranger if she drank it all and felt nothing. Now, she felt like she was in just the right zone.

Tipsy, relaxed, and loosened up, but still in control.

"I'll take a second glass as well, then." She knew it was probably not a great idea, but she didn't have to drive or pilot and she was handling the alcohol just fine. For now. "We could start your training later tomorrow. Once you've sobered up and finished your ship." In reality, she was likely the one who would have to sober up. The second glass hadn't even been filled yet, and she already felt herself swaying a little. But it felt too good to stop now.

Valery looked up again in time to see his gaze dipping down and flashed another grin. Typical, but she didn't seem to mind all too much. Alcohol made her just a bit more amiable as well. "Why don't we sit down somewhere? I won't take advantage of the drinks and make you spill all your secrets, but it'd be good to get to know you a little better before we start your training." He had connections to people she cared about and on a more personal note, Valery was always quite interested in hearing more about the life of smugglers, spacers, and others who ran solo.



Wearing: xxx
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Valery had never seen a drunk Jedi? That was a little questionable, but he had no reason to not believe her. At least she had been honest enough to admit that Jedi would likely get as crazy as anyone else. There were all kinds of ways that could manifest, and Marcus let his imagination run wild with it. A little inebriation loosened up the mind, and he was definitely lacking a filter. If a drunk person would do it, he was now picturing the Jedi… like his sister or half brother, doing it.

A smirk was his response to the request for a second glass. It seemed he was about to find out what Valery was like when she was drunk. In a way Marcus loved the idea because he would have something on his sister’s master that she didn’t even have. On the other hand, he felt a little guilty knowing that he had no business getting the woman drunk.

Riggs grabbed the bottle and followed Valery over to the rounded couch in the lounge. She was correct. They needed to sit otherwise they would end up spilling. Chances were they were going to end up spilling anyway, especially if they went beyond a second glass.

“So the Jedi is not going to take advantage of my inebriated state…”

Marcus let it trail off as he plopped on the couch and took another swig.

“...good to know…”

When he was comfortable he looked back over to the Master Jedi. He never really heard the story about how Bri wound up training with her anyway. Her and Brandyn had both been taught by Valery, though Brandyn’s troubles were more than catching up to him. How Riggs had been lucky to avoid the same fate, he didn’t know.

“How did Bri start training with you? Not sure I heard that story.”



Outfit: Undercover
Weapons: Blasters

"It wouldn't be very Jedi of me if I did, hm?" Valery plopped down herself and crossed one leg over the other. She comfortably sat back on the couch and curled her fingers around her glass. She was still able to think and control herself, but the brandy had loosened her up and made the conversation flow just a little smoother. Her mind, however, was a jumbled mess of thoughts and imaginations that she'd mostly have to keep to herself.

She just couldn't hide the smirk that tugged on her lips.

"I had them both assigned to me without telling them that they'd be training under the same Master." Valery grinned a little, as she remembered that day on Ossus. The looks on their faces when they realized they were both assigned to her. "It was quite funny to walk in on them bickering when they finally understood." She looked back to those times rather fondly. Even if they were a handful at times.

She felt proud to call herself their former Master.

"But enough about Jedi duty and work. Let's just relax, hm?" She placed her left arm along the backrest and shifted a bit closer. Her second glass was almost empty now, but she wasn't quite sure if she should take a third. Even a second had already been more than she'd usually take.



Wearing: xxx
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Riggs noticed the smirk almost right away. He may have been getting tipsy but there were certain things which that only made his altered state more observant to. At least she had acknowledged there was no intent to take advantage of him, even if it had all been in jest, Marcus could certainly see that given enough booze a Jedi could be not so Jedi like as Valery had stated.

He smiled when she sat on the couch, and smiled wider at her story about Bri and Brandyn. Riggs had been party to some their bickering, so when he could not contain the chuckle it elicited, he let it go.

"They are quite the pair." was all he managed before Valery sugghested they not talk about work.

Relax? Sure, Riggs has not done that in some time so he quickly finished off the glass of brandy, which was likely a mistake. When Valery moved closer, Marcus unconsciously did as well. The movement made him look, again, though his eyes bounced back pretty quickly as he leaned his head on the back rest of the lounger.

"Yeah, I could go for some relaxation. Let's just hope the booze doesn't knock me out."

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Outfit: Undercover
Weapons: Blasters

Eventually, the booze had knocked them out.

Or, at least, it had contributed to falling asleep quite easily. Valery groaned and rubbed her eyes while she looked around the ship and where it was parked. There was no ideal place for training, so they'd either have to try their first session in the ship somewhere, or find a different place. Assuming he was even able to train at all — he had been able to drink just a bit more than she had, so there was always the chance that he was massively hungover.

Unlike her, of course.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Valery drew in a breath and glanced over her shoulder, "Where do you think we should train? I'm going to keep it simple today, but we can work on some basics." From there, she could cover more advanced techniques or abilities at some point, but one step at a time.

...maybe food and water first was a good idea, too.


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