Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Heart is Bold That Looks On Gold (Open)

The last comment brought a smile, not because he did not see danger, but it was a nice sentiment. "I wish I knew what I was doing too." He took a moment to look up and make sure he was going the right direction. In a few moments he would be nearing the doorway. "I have no intention of fighting whatever it is on the other side. I may need your help if something goes wrong. Can I keep you and Master Galicus on the line for awhile? I believe that my droid and I will be breaking the locks fairly soon."

Ultimatum stopped as he turned a corner, once more feeling the presence. The cold was so strange and baffling, yet he had an explanation and he would have to deal with it. He walked towards the little astromech like droid, who was connected to the small computer terminal and was working its way through the systems. It was sending data to Ultimatum, who then used his large processing power to help punch through some of the difficulties before sending the solution back to the droid.

It was a task that would take a few minutes, then the droid would have to override the controls and shut down the power to the doors locks, then Ultimatum could force it open.

[member="Lord Mythos"]
Mythos shrugged and nodded. "I don't have all day my friend..." Mythos' impatience was the stuff of legend in the acolyte barracks in Glee Anselm, even by those who still held the rank of apprentice and never actually got anywhere. However in this waiting period Mythos remembered the necessity for Ultimatum in a new development of his, an experiment as much as a weapon. "I was going to call you myself" Mythos said, beginning the train of thought. "As you know warforged is beginning to be planned out yet it's nothing solid as of yet, but what i am planning is the creation of a new weapon for the One Sith."

Mythos would not have any weapon he crafted be used by the enemies of the order, nor would he have extended supplies for factions or personas of dubious reputation. He did not want to see the staple of Warforged in the scraps of his battered enemies. "The idea came to me as i fought Mandalorian tanks in Naboo, i felt the need for a weapon that could destroy armor such as beskar plated tanks but be quick mounted and fitted to mobile troops in the battlefield."

He stood in thought upon his throne, images of the device surging through his mind as the darkside of the force surged around him uncontrollably causing him to sigh and steel his gaze. "Do you think we can make it? also, have you made any new advancements in Legacy of Organics?"

Ultimatum kept in mind that time was limited on the comm, he was grateful that [member="Lord Mythos"] was willing to take so much time out of his day for the droid. He looked to the information coming through the droid, yes it was working on cracking the control security, that was the most difficult of it, beyond that it would be simple recoding before the door would be opened.

He listened to Animus' idea about a weapon that punches through heavy armor but is light enough to carry around. It was a concept that he had had some experience in, looking over his original master's weapon designs. The small company ReCal had had some good scientists, but altogether inferior to his own capabilities. They had created a concussion missile launcher capable of knocking down fighters but was much like the rocket launchers used by infantry.

Ultimatum wondered if a proton torpedo would be sufficient, those projectiles were capable of more damage that most other weaponry systems easily available. Sizing one down to be used as infantry weapons would be interesting, and detrimental to the overall power. It had promise most definitely. "I believe that it is completely possible. It does not seem to matter how much armor one puts on something, there is always someway to punch through it. Perhaps looking into making smaller proton torpedoes. As for LOOM, it is doing alright. I have made some advancements in collecting resources and making allies. I have come across a number of other small companies that have traded with me. I have been preparing to reach out into other planets as well. I have had some ideas about rather interesting projects involving the planet Coruscant. I have never been there myself, is it truly one large city?"
Mythos listed to Ultimatum with more than a passing interest, LOOM was indeed growing and branching out to newer and greater projects one by one, suddenly Mythos got the impression that perhaps now was the time to so something truly bold and perhaps a bit on the crazy side... yet he held his tongue for now, he needed to be prepared first... which he was not.

"The idea is to have something truly formidable that will hurt the best of armors without it being too costly, the idea came to me of a conventional launcher and DDA a collaborative company has already drawn up a schematics that would allow for a rough design and testing. I heard you and Galicus had already held a meeting with the Administratum, hopefully soon we can test the weapon and see it brought form before the directors for production... as for Coruscant..." Mythos smiled and closed his eyes, thinking back to the capital of the glorious One Sith. "It's a planet sized city... magnificent..."

Mythos had only gone to Corsucant a few times yet every time he stepped upon the capital of the One Sith it was a glorious encounter with the infrastructure and might of his order that saw had the OS hoisted wherever it could be hung. Patriotic and imposing... Coruscant was the jewel of the Sith.
Such a weapon as [member="Lord Mythos"] suggested, and had been spoken over at the meeting that he had mentioned, certainly had promise. It had a definite role, he looked forward to perhaps working on refining it. In fact, he had been offered just now the ability to continue taking part. He looked forward to moving to the next planet, Mimban had been chosen due to its proximity to the core, he would be able to hopefully get more information on the battles happening between the Sith and the Republic.

An entire planet that was a city. That was something that proved to be everything he hoped, if the Sith would be interested of course. He did not need to ask whether there was a large machinery and droid presence on the planet, that much was obvious. Wherever organics multiplied in large numbers they brought ways of easing their life. He also bet that they had a very inefficient system of infrastructure in place to command a planet like that. It was not their fault, organics just did not understand the capabilities of the things they had created when they made artificial intelligence.

"I believe that there is much we could accomplish with this weapon. The Mandalorians have created slugthrowers for the purpose, I bet that we can with a bit more work. Yes, I met with Galicus in person for the meeting. It was a pleasure. On the subject of Coruscant, do you think you could talk to the Sith leaders about a project I have been thinking of? If successful it should decrease the organic manpower required to maintain the planet's physical infrastructure by three quarters if not completely. I- One moment."

He cut himself off as he turned his attention back to the system information being sent to him by his little droid. There were some added layers that he had not expected. More complex than that normally associated with military vessels of this sort, but then he had to remind himself that this was a very special case. They were carrying money probably intended to purchase more equipment to continue the war effort.

He spoke over his connection with the droid, unheard by the organics on the comm, "Yes, I see it. Let me take care of it." He looked through the information of the locks and security, most definitely something that would have been difficult by himself. But he was not alone, behind him stood the processing power of thousands of droids, parts of the HoloNet computers, and countless computers connected to him. To access this wellspring of power though required a minute of preparing it all. He had to send an order to temporarily halt whatever tasks the droids may be doing and then also to override the computers that were doing other things. Now there was behind him the processing power of many supercomputers, enough to powerhouse through all but the most secure system.

A moment later he put that to the locks, he did not even have to try and solve the lock, sending information into the system would overwhelm it. Ten seconds later the system was thoroughly fried. The door was unlocked, but due to the damage to the system it did not open. With the job done, all the other droids and computers were sent back to their jobs. He then put himself into physical focus, he threw a punch at the door, forcing his hand into the small opening of the door. A hard push and the door seemed to open on its own.

He felt a slight puff of wind, he figured that maybe a small portion of air had not yet leaked out. There was a moment in which he saw something, the ghostly figure of a being, but it was gone before he could focus on it. Seemingly faded out of existence. "We're in." He looked around and surely enough, a veritable sea of credit ingots lay, mostly in neat piles, with devices that had probably held them in place during whatever fight had happened here. He also saw one pile had been knocked and on it was a skeleton. "Well, found a body. Perhaps the one of the ghost? I thought I saw something but there does not appear to be anything aside from a number of credit ingots... One hundred million of them according to this manifest." The smaller droid had found a datapad on the ground with a proper manifest in it.

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