Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stone upon stone

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Location: Agramar
Local time: 5:32am

The smells of tree pollen and over turned top soil swirled and mixed with the smells of heavy machinery and unwashed bodies as the nearly all wookie crew began their work. The brass and wooden look of the wookie equipment moving in the morning gloom was reminiscent of large inscets buzzing about a broken hive as they went about construction of the new government buildings .

War had ravaged more than a few worlds and those that had been left unscathed were on edge about when they may be next. Agramar was in the later category. The local government no longer put full trust in the umbrellas of the major empires of the galaxy, no, they wanted something more tangible to trust. Grrwarr Industrial Technologies LLC had been happy to capitalize on the bidding offered to construct high quality offices and military facilities for the planetary defenses force, and luckly they had won.

Planning was still underway for the military buildings but the proposal was to use high grade durasteel often reserved for warships and planetary shields to make the agricultural world feel more secure. Grrwarr understood their reasoning. Food was one thing no army in the galaxy, aside from an all droid one, that could make or break a war. The people here felt threatened and this would relieve a portion of that worry.

Grrwarr wore a thick tailored suit and hard hat that gave the huge aboreal an almost comedic look but it was easier for the small humans to accept him as in charge when he looked the part of business being rather than just another walking carpet. Several datacards filled one huge hairy hand as he laid a datapad on the planning table while a protocol droid waited to translate for the government man that had come to discuss progress and project cost. The cost would of course be substantial but the crew was incredibly strong and diligent. They would finish before schedule, of that he was certain.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
The frailty of the human government official stood out strikingly beside the huge wookie as they holodisplay of the datapad flickered to life. Grrwarr kooked at the man's face, his darting beady eyes looked from spot to spot on the blue prints with little expression. Grrwarr could see plainly that the little man had no idea what he was looking at but he was endeavoring to put on a good show.

"I see," the human said, "Yes, very well done. I see you have the barracks beside the armoury."

Grrwarr closed his eyes and prayed for patience before speaking a long string of syllables that the human couldn't understand before the droid lookec back and forth between its master and the guest. Grrwarr gave a short grunt in the negative before the droid began an abridged translation.

"That is the chow hall sir not the armoury." The deoid spoke in a somewhat deeper tone than is common for his series, an after market upgrade, "The armoury is kept away from the barracks due to saftey protocol."

"Yes, of course." The man said trying to save face and looking little more than a pompous toady, "I was merely ensuring our protocols were being followed."

They were.

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