Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ShutoCon-recruited Mando

Former veteran of Facebook's "Galactic Senate Roleplay 'verse" for 4 years before activity reached a severe low point, and spent 3 years in Second Life's SWRP galaxy; known as Nico Fett, NicoTheFett, and NicolaeTehVhett in both of those an elsewhere.
Went to ShutoCon in Lansing MI at beginning of the month in my OC Mandalorian Armor, and while waiting in line a Snow White cosplayer asked about the character and Mando'a markings on my armor; after explaining their RP origins, she'd said to give the site a try and say Feena sent me (I think it was Feena).
Sooooooooo, hey/yo/su'cuy/bawn-jor-no.

OOC account:

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