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Prismere Forest


Disney's Princess
Prismere Forest - (Coop, Open, 2)

Prismere Temple
First Moon of Cor Dushnir, Just outside SSC space

She was a small temperate moon just inside the orbit of a large gas giant called Cor Dushnir. A holy place and a forested missionary moon, with no known native sentient species to speak off. Just a warm secluded spot were the Cathar Monks of Kol Five had chosen to build their newest temple. Force sensitive cat people who lived in trees. Huh. Fancy that.

Karen Roberts of Voss had descended upon this rather obscene moon to gather up a number of healing recipes from the catlike monks. Apparently they had recently discovered a River of Fire somewhere in the earth from which grand potions could be made. And where there was a river of healing waters? There was usually a Healing Crystal of Fire nearby as well. One of the most potent healing items in all the galaxy. A natural tourist attraction for Jedi and Relic hunters alike. Well? But first you had to find it.


Karen sat reading a book in the courtyard of the Prismere Temple. Waiting for the furry Magic Knights and Temple Guardians to finish their good morning swordplay. Oh my. She did have to give them credit. They were a dedicated bunch to be sure. Force swords, white robes, bushy cat-tails; and all. Indeed. A fascinating sight for anyone to see.

"Melbark? Are you done yet?"

She shouted at the nearest Acolyte. Interrupting his fencing as he stumbled about from his partner's eager blows. Ah, poor thing. He must have been worst swordsman cat Karen had even seen.

"Bah! No woman! And don't rush me! I have him just where I want him!"

"Haha. Doubtful young hair." His merry partner called. Licking his lips and rolling his shoulders with glee, "This one will most certainly tan your hide before the second breakfast."

Karen smirked at the comradery between the kitties. Boys will be boys, she mused. Such wandering egos.

"...Well. Do try to hurry Melbark. We were supposed to leave for the forest hours ago. Good heavens."

The fuzzy Acolyte frowned at the shouting woman. Ugh. Jedi visitors were such a pain to entertain. Still, the two warriors continued their morning fencing. Pushy Jedi woman was pushy, after all. He'd just have to growl at her later. This one had a duel to win. Nearby, Karen gave a playful sigh and returned to her reading. Supposing that her new adventure into the forest would just have to wait.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Karen Roberts"]

The Harlequin was coming in and Matsu was in the cockpit, never one to turn down exploring while she looked over some of the things that were there with more and more her attention going to the different things on the screen. She had heard some of the rumors as well and investigation with a team wasn't something she could just do... no she wanted to see it for herself while the attention went to some of the things. Arriving on the world as she released the probes for the river that could scan down below and the ones that could scan from the air. All to give her a better picture until she was moving with her robes on and hair in braids coming off her shoulders. Now there was just the important part of seeing who else might show up.


Disney's Princess
Some of the monks took notice to [member="Matsu Ike"] 's arrival and subsequent use of probes to survey their sleepy moon. Oh dear. It did appear that Sasori had found them. So much for staying a sleepy little bedroom community on the edge of the galaxy. If Ike was allowed to make known their supernatural prowess to the galaxy? It was likely they'd have to move the temple too.

Karen cared for none of these concerns however. She was no cathar monk who lived in gloomy isolation. Nor did she much entertain the modern politics of galactic corporations. She was just here to gather the recipes for new types of healing potions and be on her way. As such, she continued her boring morning routine of reading a happy book. Still waiting for her fuzzy friends to finish their sparring practice.
"Vacation time..." it was the first time since he was abducted from his fathers and become a mercenary. The Sisters poke him for two days until he gave up and drove the ship to Coruscant. He had to paid about five hundred credits for the swimming clothes and dresses for Mara and Vanadis, after walking for hours "Yeaahh!" smirked Vanadis with while raising both of her arms while Mara move his hair behind his ears "This will be fun" smiled a little shy.

Garoth landed his AT-360 in the planet, close to a temple and a river for the girls to shower "Take your weapons but stay away from trouble" the Sisters took their white hats and towels "This planet is awesome. So green that i could breath fresh air without toxins" said Vanadis looking around "I will take them father" Mara put them in her purse and followed her sister. Garoth close the ship. He was wearing a simple white shirt. Walking through the forest he found a temple and sighed a woman reading a book. He approached to her "Emmm hi. Do you know if the locals would dislike if i hunt an animal? I want to prepare the dinner for my childs" said scratching his back head remembering the last time he tried to hunt a boar-wolf on Endor and a giant Gorax almost kill him for that.

[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
Karen seemed rather baffled when a newcomer approached her. Giving the [member="Garoth Ursull"] only a curious shrug and pointing to an approaching monk with her book,

"I have no idea. Timor there could answer that for you though. Here he comes now."

"Mas Teranus Ma Lakor." an old gray kitty in orange robes arrived and greeted Garoth, "Welcome to our humble home stranger. This one has noticed your arrival and welcomes you. My name is Timor in the common tongue. Your host, if it pleases you. Ahem. How might we be of service, hmm?"

Karen scooted over in her bench seat to make room for the two males to converse with more space. Being rather happy to return to her own reading and forget the day as soon as possible.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Garoth Ursull"]

Matsu could feel something while she walked and there were others here. Surprising to her but she remained quiet while walking and feeling a familiar presence of someone but detection field wasn't an exact science it was feeling thos eyou knew and those who you didn't while she walked up observing the monks and offered to some a trade. She had met monks in the mountains who made their own which was usually the best but the bottles of different sack meads for some of their own spirits proved more to at least get the first ones she met to approve. She wasn't ordering or demanding just offering them spirits to raise their own.
[member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Matsu Ike"]

"Oh i didnt think that there would be monks. Well if you could provide food. I came here with my two childs and wanted to know if we can taste some of your local food" Garoth didnt liked to ask for something, but living for three years with The Sisters turned the way Garoth behave with other people.

Vanadis was swimming in her white bikini while Mara was taking a nap in a rock, after using his towel as a pillow and putting her arm for . They were beside a waterfall enjoying themselfs while their purse was ten meters away from them. Vanadis swam to the rock moving her feet "Father train us since he save us in that ship from the pirates" "Its a dangerous to live in a universe like this. I dont think that it was wrong to do that since the begining" responded Mara


Disney's Princess
Karen put down her book and raised an eyebrow. It did appear it was a busy day for newcomers. [member="Matsu Ike"] was bartering with the monks near the edge of the courtyard while [member="Garoth Ursull"] had just asked the locals for breakfast. Huh. Fascinating. Who would have guessed?

The blue-haired woman stood up and tucked her book underneath her arm. Deciding that she had waited long enough for Melbark to finish his training. After all, Timur was a wise old cat. He could surely talk his way out of a few newcomers to his temple home. Cats were clever like that. Always changing their politics with a quick swish of their tails.

"Yo! Melbark! Let's go! Now."

She gave a wave of her book and summoned the dirty monk from his training. Just in time to hear him growl and throw up his hands. Ugh! How was a cat supposed to train like this? Pushy Jedi woman was giving him a headache. Even his poor partner could only stop to shrug. Yep. Guess that was that? Who could concentrate like this anyway. Bleh.

"Fine! This one will accompany you into the forest. I was done training anyway. Sss."

The poor Acolytes tail swished with frustration as he moved to the benches to gather his things. Dusting off his orange robes and returning his vibrosword to it's sheath. He'd had enough practice for one morning. Time to hit the trails. Likewise, Karen suited up in the rest of her Alexander EVA. A gray space suit not unlike a Stormtrooper's iconic costume. It would serve it's purpose well today. Especially since Roberts herself doubted the forest trail would be an easy hike. I mean, adventures like this? Yeah. They always got messy somehow.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Garoth Ursull"] [member="Karen Roberts"]

Matsu was looking at the ones she talked with and talking while she traded for getting some information about the forest as she moved bowing to leave. She coulod go and explore the forest the best way possible as the jedi master rose up into the air allowing the force to wrap and sworl around herself. Then she was up and flying towards the treetops before she grinned to herself. Hovering and watching while almost running across the treetops like a kung fu movie. She could move and navigate from up high while moving throughout the forest canopy enjoying the sights of it.
"Alright. I will get the food later" he left stretching his arms. We would see what the girls were doing, as he didnt knew what kind of animals existed on this planet.

Mara was drying off with her towel "Hey dont you think its a little weird that this river is more relaxing than a termal bathroom?" "No idea. but its nice. Like magic" "Maybe. But you just enjoy it. After this, father will lead us to some planet on some mission that proves our strength so..." it wasnt nice to be training all the time, as that was the only life they knew.

Garoth walked on the forest, but as he was going to take another step, he sensed everything going down. The feeling of falling for ten meters was a little uncomfortable, but he reacted fast, creating a force shield for protection. The hole was covered in tendrils around the walls and on the floor he was standing, only mud and insects. He could sense a force presence around "Damnit i dont know if i can climb those things" he saw a light in a cave and follow it, raising his lightsaber.

[member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Karen Roberts"]

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