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Imperial Technocracy of Zakuul and Vandemar

Located on the ancient dyson-sphere of Iokath, now renamed Vandemar, the Imperial Technocracy is a secular state and industrial powerhouse dedicated to research, technological progress and military prowess.

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Pocket Guide to the Empire

Eternal Triumph

Kneel Before the Dragon of Zakuul



Welcome Outlander . . . to Zakuul.

Follow in the footsteps of Heroes, of Knights and of Power. Learn that the Galaxy is no place for the weak and struggling but that strength comes from ambition and sacrifice. You can have anything if you crave for it, if you strife for it. It is here where history is written and that the true meaning of the word Eternal is given shape and form.

Join me.
Become a Son of Zakuul.
Become the shaper of Eternity.

Table of Contents
I. Pocket Guide to the Eternal Empire
II. The Knights of Zakuul
III. The Eternal Throne
IV. The Eternal Fleet
V. The Eternal Legion

What is the Eternal Empire of Zakuul?

The Eternal Empire is the result of a long-time development of a minor faction which has been around as early as 2021. It is build around the aesthetics and feeling of the Eternal Empire we know from Star Wars: The Old Republic as an antagonist which got far too little screen time and a heritage from the on-site factions of the Eternal Empire of Kalidan and the New Imperial Order.

This culminates in a relatively 'clean' and 'neat' style which does not at all bother with getting their hands dirty. Ruthless and calculating on the surface and strongly idealistic and fanatic on the inside, the Eternal Empire combines an anti-Force user sentiment of parts of its population with the nigh-deity like reverence of one of the most infamous Sith Lords of all time, Valkorion, aka Darth Vitiate, as Eternal Emperor of Zakuul.

Two of the central pillars taken from the original Zakuulan Empire, are the Knights of Zakuul and the Eternal Fleet. The former a Force user organisation which stands for being against both Sith and Jedi religionism and dogmatism, focusing on the service and duty, rather than on the Force. The latter, the Eternal Fleet, based on A.I. ships from the ancient forge world from Iokath, was an extremely fast armada of powerful warships.

Further influence from the board itself, is the Eternal Legion. A clone army which is the epitome of anti-Force user technology and soldierism. They are designed and created with extensive physiological improvements and capabilities, making them far beyond ordinary sentients in physical prowess and mental capabilities. They were gold-armoured supersoldiers, the vanguard of ideology and military excellence.

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I n t r o d u c t i o n
We are not Sith, we are not Jedi, nor any similar incarnation of either but claiming to be different. The Force is not a religion to us, nor a sacred path to serenity or vile way to power. It is our tool to bring what is necessary, what is desired and what is just. For justice is the only measurement you can truly cast on any living being. No life desires war, no mind seeks pain and neither do we or our Empire.

We believe order and justice are the way to be paved for the Galaxy and that only we can bring it. The Jedi have tried. Oh how they have tried. Thousands of years they have moved between stoically pacifist to genocidal militarist and always claimed to be the same. Eradicated entire worlds because they were 'evil', abducted generations of children from their mothers breasts because 'the Force has granted them insight'. They are hypocrisy incarnate, a weakness so rotten and corrupted that they are lost and damned to simply repeat what they have always been doing.

That same as the Sith. How can they truly believe to be different, opposite even, from the Jedi if all they do is the same. They worship the Force as their natural born strength-giver, embrace their darkest fears and deepest anger to become selfish, soulless terrormongers. One can bring minimal respect for their willingness to do and admit actions, but the narrow minded goals and the hollow copy of the Jedi teachings are just the other side of a medal. Tarnished by the blood of trillions. Victory and freedom are their goals and none of them has achieved them ever.

Justice is our dream. Duty is our life. Mind, hands and heart are mere tools, just as the Force is.

The Knights of Zakuul are the Eternal Empire's Force organisation and one of the most important aspects of its ideology and life. All Force sensitives are drawn into its ranks, to be trained, sent to dedicated Scholas which educate and train the young Zakuulans and Vandemarians in the path of justice and the forms of combat. They are not only the order of Force sensitives, they are a military unit, a security force and peace-enforcers. The Knights are actively involved in the maintaining and keeping of the public order and image, furthering the very goals the Throne sets and follow it with exemplary, zealous devotion and determination.

Although living in a society which opposes the Force, the Knights perform a number of official funcitons, moreso on Zakuul than on Vandemar, which vary from the simple training of young Force sensitives, to the keeping of the peace and hunt for outlanders and intruders and to the offices such as the Exarchs and the High Justice, having a word in governmental affairs and judicial matters.

The Knights have two notable sub-branches: the Horizon Guard and the Scions of Zakuul. The Horizon Guard are a handpicked group of enforcers, going far beyond the common laws and to the direct demands and commands of the Throne. They are as much a black ops unit as they are bodyguards and fanatical warriors, they are the unit which leans more towards the Dark side but is kept firmly in balance while pursuing anything which is exceeding the common Knight duties and public need. The Scions on the other hand are not a combat unit at all, their purpose is primarily in an advisory and support function, focused on the Unifying Force and the future. They are pursuing the perfection of precognition, farsight and divination, attempting to unwhirl the threads of the future to show the best possible path of action.

Altogether they serve the ideal of justice and oppose the Force as a religion or respectable entity. Their purpose is to bring an era of order and stability, to abandon the age of warring Force religions, that law and justice may take their place. Despite abandoning the belief that their power derives from the one who sits on the Eternal Throne, they are still deeply attached and connected to the individual who does and embrace them as the supreme ruler.

With justice in mind, the Knights are more than keen to embrace knowledge. Sharing knowledge and embracing it collectively is a part of their key tenets. It is both a path to strength and to balance, as suddenly it is not down to the individual only anymore to watch for missteps but for everyone and therefore strengthening both the comradery as well as reinforcing what is considered good and bad. This open culture and influence allows for the Knights of Zakuul to be much more efficient in their duties due to shared foundations as well as less suspectible to subterfuge and manipulation as it is never only an individual whos is threatened, but many.

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I n t r o d u c t i o n
"I swear to faithfully execute all that the Imperator commands, that I shall never desert the service, and that I shall not seek to avoid death in the name of the Eternal Throne."
Oath of Duty, given by all Legionaries upon completing basic training.

The primary military institution of the Eternal Empire is the Eternal Legion, the usually first and not unlikely last contact any foreigners make with the followers of the Throne. It is entirely composed of bio-engineered clones who are made for one purpose and one purpose alone: to defeat and annihilate the Force users. While society is not entirely militarised and dedicated to martial purposes, their military might is undeniable and that is mostly down to these warrior-soldiers.

Due to being clones, their is no voluntary service in the Legion as well as naturally bred into it, going through an extreme process of raising, training and drilling which takes more than a decade. Schooled in all forms of known combat and in a great variety of weapons, the Legionaries are receiving extensive attention to all of them, originally drilled by former Death Troopers and Mandalorians, they by now excel them simply due to their imposing physiology and even superior equipment.

The Eternal Legion is directly supplied by the Olympian Armoursmiths who are keen on creating equipment which step by step ensures the demise of the arbitrary rule of Force users. Clad in heavy artifice power armour, carrying powerful weapons and masterfully crafted blades, the average Legionary is a soldier which is by many margins superior to all its equivalents even in the great warrior and soldier cultures, be they Ultranaughts, Mandalorians or Death Troopers.

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