Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Physeter Balke

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
NAME: Physeter Balke [FY-setter BALK]
RANK: Dark Jedi Apprentice
SPECIES: Rattataki
AGE: Mid-thirties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 280lbs
EYES: Yellow
SKIN: Very pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • (+) Balke is physically strong and well-coordinated. He has fast hands and good dexterity.
  • (+) Balke is quite clever and immensely audacious.
  • (+) Balke's day job, at which he is intensely skilled, is as a professional lekku masseur.
  • (-) Balke is thickset enough to reduce his ability to maneuver in close confines.
  • (-) Balke cannot run for any serious length of time, and his running and sprinting speeds are low.
  • (-) Balke stands out in a crowd. A lot.
Physeter Balke is a wall of flesh, most of it muscle though not all. His yellow eyes, courtesy of an unsuccessful but long Dark Side career, are unmistakable. A Rattataki, he is bald. A deep scar marks his forehead and crown. He has deeply ingrained laugh and frown lines.

Balke was born on Contruum, that most luckless of worlds. A voracious reader, he discovered and measured his own Force sensitivity before he became an adult, but found no appeal in the newly-reformed Jedi or Sith Empire. He decided that the Force was a tool, and that he had no patience for the associated philosophies. Following the Omni crisis, he was part of a Republic-backed terrorist group that opposed the local autocracy. When the Republic pulled out and abandoned the group, Balke coldly reexamined his allegiance and found his way off Contruum two minutes ahead of an execution squad. He returned at various points, witnessing the Republic's destruction of a large part of the capital city, then the Mandalorian occupation in 837 ABY. The last of his nostalgia gone, Balke left Contruum forever, though not entirely alone.

It was around this time that Balke's view of the universe solidified. Though not blind to Contruum's grim past during the Dark Age, his experiences and his study of modern history convinced him of a nearly anarchistic principle. He began to believe, intensely, that being pulled out of the Dark Age was a net loss for most worlds -- that connectedness and 'modernity' had opened the door for the victimization and manipulation of Contruum and thousands of other worlds. His opinion of virtually all modern governments, traditions, and power structures became very low. He began to formulate a goal: No more galactic conflict. No more Dark Lords, Grandmasters, Vigos or Chancellors. No more assimilation of flavor-of-the-week planets, trampling on existing regimes, or imposing 'civilized' solutions with minimal input from local stakeholders. No more interstellar connectivity for its own sake. In short, a return to the Dark Age.

Nothing personal, he would say. Personal grudges would be infantile.

In search of the power to make his vision a reality, he began hunting for unclaimed holocrons and ancient texts, only to find that none existed. For the better part of half a decade, he chased rumors of holocrons and records, but always found himself one step behind some luckier or better-connected treasure hunter. He spent this period honing instinctively based abilities, or those which he could puzzle out from public records. By the time he stepped back from his search, he had honed his core abilities to a fairly competitive level, though he still did not have a lightsabre or any serious training with one. Having laid some of the groundwork in previous years, over the course of various jobs, he decided he was ready to begin putting plans into motion.

  • Force Push/Pull/Choke (basic)
  • Force Speed/Jump (basic)
  • Danger Sense (basic)
  • Mind Trick (basic)

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


No Blasters! No Blasters!
Drinking on Christophsis
Stealing Stuff and Getting Into Mischief
Primal Karking Chaos

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