Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nrahsol Enelram

"I will defend these beings with my life, and that is the sum of me."
NAME: Nrahsol Enelram
FACTION: Silver Jedi Order
RANK: Padawan
AGE: Twenty-Three
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 10"
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Light brown
SKIN: Fair complexion with pale red markings


[+] Consular - Nrahsol excels with an innate ability to grasp the deepest concepts of the Force
[+] Lore Keeper - As a historian, she can recall countless millenniums worth of knowledge, and that which she cannot, she can spend the next two minutes pulling up the records for it nonetheless.

[-] Inexperienced - Thought her book smarts is something to be inspired by, she lacks in experience on the field and streets, as it were. She may be able to recall the wisdom and insights of a thousand Jedi Masters, but nothing can compare to a healthy tip from a street urchin or front-line trooper.
[-] Jack-of-one-trade - As a Consular, she excels in knowledge and the Force, but lacks in other aspects of her life that other Jedi achieve. These include lightsaber combat, firearms and flying.

Nrahsol Enelram was brought to Voss after the Sacking of Coruscant with many of the other younglings and padawans. She was trained in the ways of the Consular but had not yet achieved any step towards Knighthood. She was the apprentice of a Lore Keeper in the Coruscant Temple before it fell, where her own Master faced an inevitable death at the hands of the endless puppets of the Dark Lord. It was only through this act of self-sacrifice that Nrahsol had survived, and she would not be the only one who had lost a Master in the sacking of the temple.

Nrahsol has since spent much of her days in the temple of Voss, updating the archives day by day as she recites the journal of her master to restore only a grain of sand of knowledge amongst an ocean. She remembers fondly the days when the Lore Keepers had a saying among one another, that if it was not in the archives it did not exist. Sadly, those tales were of the past, and much had once more become unknown. Nrahsol takes it upon herself as one of the few Lore Keepers to bring back this noble heritage.

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