Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Need things done? Call your friendly neighborhood smuggler. :)

A'ight y'all so here's what's up.

I need more threads. and have several ideas for how to solve this but i need interaction with other peeps to do so.

Story ideas are as follows.

  • Responding to a distress call. could be nobility was aboard and attacked by pirates or rogues seeking to harm the nobility. upon realizing there wasn't much to be gained cargo wise or to accomplish by kidnapping nobles they simply left the ship stranded and venting atmo. Need either a nobility/ politician type character for this as well as possible rogues coming back to finish the job.
  • Escort duty/ HVT defense. Maybe not nobles or anything but still wanting to defend either a specific person/ group or a valuable place/cargo.
  • Exploring. Except without a talking backpack or monkey. Investigating a planet of varying climate possibility of old ruins, creepy predatory species, and a survival-esque type dealio.
  • Being hired to smuggle certain goods to another place for cost.

I welcome all. Pirates, bounty-hunters, nobility. princesses from other castles, HVT's, cargo, shady peeps who need things moved discreetly. Etc.

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