Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Naji Asiim

Name: Naji Asiim

Faction: Order of the Silver Jedi

Rank: Initiate

Species: Weequay

Age: 21

Sex: Male

Height: 1.7 meters (5.7 feet)

Weight: 80 kilograms (180 pounds)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown (shaved)

Skin: Beige

Force Sensitive: Yes

Strengths and Weaknesses
Having recognized and understood his sensitivity to the Force from a young age, Naji is very much in tune with his gift. He's slowly developed his skills over the years, but without any formal training, he's been limited to simple tasks like basic telepathy. He has a lot to learn in that respect.

Naji's proficiency with weapons is less impressive. He is, however, rather large for his species - nearing the size of a human. He's historically used this to his advantage and has a lengthy background in boxing. In a hand to hand fight, Naji can be a menace, though these are rare.

The Weequay stereotypes of stupidity and violence don't entirely apply to Naji. On Sriluur, he's shown a tendency for finding non-violent solutions in a landscape so marred by brutality. His former job as a schoolteacher lent itself to a knowledgeable individual.


Naji has more girth to his frame than the typical Weequay and prefers to keep his hair cropped close to the head. In terms of clothing, Naji tends to dress simply. Cloth fabrics and neutral colors, never intending to make any kind of statement. That being said, he interprets looking disheveled to be unprofessional and makes great gains to appear presentable.

Historically, the world of Sriluur has always been poor and destitute. The native Weequay generally have no where to turn for work but criminal syndicates, who own most of the planet in one fashion or another. Society hinges on violence and crime just as another might on law and order.

It was into such a world that Naji Asiim was born. His middle-class upbringing afforded him ample opportunities for schooling that weren't available to others in his predominantly poor community. Most intriguing, though, was his ability to use the Force - a feat not known to exist elsewhere in his family. While remarkable, his gift and his social standing alienated him from his peers and factored in to his decision to leave home at a young age to work on the treacherous desert caravans.

The "Wizard of the Waste" returned home to a more inviting community as a young man. He found work as a schoolteacher in his town's impoverished center for learning and was even set to marry a childhood friend. When their newborn son perished from disease that would, in other parts of the galaxy, be easily treated, they broke off plans for marriage.

Ship: None

Kills/Bounties: None

(In chronological order)

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