Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Kizyan
RANK: Rogue Padawan
SPECIES: Sith Pure-Blood
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.75 Meters
WEIGHT: 70 Kilograms
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Red-Orange


(+) Legacy of the Kassai - He has an affinity for the Force, accelerating the pace of future force training.
(+) Heightened Intellect - After spending a decade and a half enduring gruesome and challenging tests in the underground laboratory on Korriban, his intelligence has developed remarkably, giving him a greater than average intellect.
(+) Hardened Flesh - After spending years surviving in the harsh desert environment of Korriban and fighting all manner of horrid beasts, his muscles have been sculpted and giving his body a greater than average strength compared to other humanoid species.

(-) Desert Madness - His mind has been shattered by the horrors of the desert, destroying his sanity, giving him anti-social tendencies as well as developing a series of sub-personalities to whom he converses with regularly.
(-) Last of the Pure-Bloods - To his knowledge he is the most recent and the last of the Sith Pure-Bloods. This makes him resentful of the other species in the Galaxy.
(-) Tunnel Vision - As a consequence of his life in the laboratory, he has become an intensely focused individual, though this is a negative trait as once he focuses on something, he concentrates on it to the detriment of everything else.

From a distance he appears normal looking, if only a little out of place being Sith which has long forgotten the sight of their rusty skin. His slight frame houses muscular flesh hardened in the burning wastes of Korriban. His black hair sits upon his head and he seems to appear calm, collected and stable to the untrained eye. Up close the story remains mostly the same, but those who look into his eyes gaze into a well of madness and chaos, the seat of an unhinged but calculating mind.

Kizyan is the end result of a series of secret experiments with force sorcery and dark science conducted on Korriban that sought to restore the bloodline of the long lost Sith Pure-Bloods which existed during the Great Galactic War. The exact processes used to accomplish this are complex combinations of sorcery and science that attempted to reach into the Force and acquire the genetic code of a Kissai. The process took decades to refine to a point where it could succeed but eventually it produced a single known subject: Kizyan.

Kizyan spent his formative years in this secret laboratory, being subjected to various tests designed to determine to which degree his creation could be deemed to be successful. When it was determined that he was force sensitive, the severity of the tests increased dramatically, pushing his sanity, intelligence and physical strength to the limit. Over a period of years his body grew stronger, his intelligence developed and he gained very limited knowledge of the force. However the tests strained his sanity, pushing him to the brink of madness.

He left the facility when he was around 16 years old, slaughtering every scientist and sorcerer he could find. The exact number of survivors is unknown, it is believed that they have set up another facility on Ziost, though this is unconfirmed. Kizyan spent the next 4 years wandering the desert wastes of Korriban, fighting daily for survival against the ferocious beasts that inhabited the world. Sometime during this period of wandering his mind finally shattered, surrendering his psyche to madness. Eventually he was somehow able to get passage off world and has spend the next 2 years wandering the Outer Rim however he could doing odd jobs when he could get them.

SHIP: None




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