Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jarel Reverie(WIP)

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim

NAME: Jarel Reverie
FACTION: None(yet) Primeval(hopefully later)
RANK: Ghost/Zombie/Dead Person
SPECIES: Nightmare Demon
AGE: 4000+
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 30cm
WEIGHT: 2.5 kilograms
EYES: Sparkling Red
FUR: Brown
SKIN: Brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Very strong mentalist
+Suction cup digits
-Kind of creepy looking
-Very small and weak

A small two-tailed monkey with a skull for a head.

Jarel Reverie's story is mostly insignificant. He lived around the Era of Darth Revan working for the GenoHaraden as an assassin. Thing of it is though, the life of a GenoHaraden is dangerous. Filled with intrigue sure, but often lethal. For Jarel Reverie it was lethal, him being exposed to someone who actually knew what a Nightmare Demon was and what they were capable of. Murdered by a lman-protected in with a Lead-helmet, thinking he was betrayed by the organization he had given his life too. A Force-User his soul went on to the Netherworld, where it stayed and pondered the secrets of the galaxy until one day the Netherworld went wrong. It began to fill with living people, men began to cross from one realm to the next. And Jarel Reverie was no man to let such an opportunity by. Crossing through one Netherworld Rift or another he made way to find an Order that would accept him, teach him, that he might grow strong enough to make the galaxy quiver in fear of the Nightmare Demons once more.

None yet.

None yet

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