Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Is there gas in the car? Yes there's gas in the... oh wait.

You'd go to LA on a dare, and you'd go alone.

This whole… not knowing where [member="Spark Finn"] was, y’know to save her, or [member="Sage Bane"] was, to y’know, murder his face, was making Starchaser a bit crazy. He needed to do something. And so far? He was doing his best to learn what he could, putting feelers out, having Event Horizon move closer to the Muun end of the Blood Trail, and obviously fly the Tachyon Rising around to make it seem like he’s out there. Right now, though, he was doing a few things. He may be sight seeing in the Techno Union. Trying to figure out what all the fuss was about.

But as far as sight-seeing went, it meant having the changing transponder of the Tiburon queued for Republic space. Onderon-berth. So, that was something, right? He needed another ship, aside from the Tiburon. She was looking like a Republic-registered vessel that just came off the Corellian run, and was heading towards Hypori, and that was all he needed.

He was keeping track of the Event Horizon’s exploration path. He’d have to get back out there soon, but for now? He had work to do.

Turning to his co-pilot, he nodded. “I guess we’ll take her in, Nada.” He missed Spark Finn.

A quick little scouting trip, right? Looking to refuel.


Disney's Princess
Tiburon, Cabin
With a sound system to make Dr. Dre jelly

Karen Roberts sat in the cabin chair of the D5 Mantis reading a rather spectacular adult novel. Clothed in her Phrik EVA and with her carbine leaning nearby, she presented quite the rugged image for a bookworm.

"Mm. Oh my. That's so scandalous!?" She mused with a gasp and a quick turn of the page.

Roberts was running a suitcase of Force Gems from here to there. Coren and Nada provided the transportation as her XwR was in the shop for repairs. A Vel Giant from Tigeress III had picked up her poor starfighter and attempted to eat it. Thank goodness R2 had thought quickly and turned on the engines, otherwise her poor starfighter might be a titanium poo pile right now back on Tigeress. Ugh. Banish the thought.

"What? He's married? Oh rats. I should have seen that coming. Poor Claire." Karen sighed as she dog-eared the page. "...Is there no hope or love and romance for a poor Corellian donut saleswoman? Ugh. My aching heart. Her boyfriend must be a scoundrel."

She smirked at the thought of Grant catching her now. How her tall husband hated it when she read these fancies. Ah. But what a sexy book it was indeed. This poor girl just couldn't resist. ...Ah well. One more chapter to go.
[SIZE=12pt]Rekha was once again onboard the Tiburon she had developed this over active imagination that had her and Coren alone on the ship with music blaring as they sped forward. All while…well…engage imagination[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]You keep a knocking but you can't come in
Keep a knocking but you can't come in
You keep a knocking but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again
[SIZE=12pt]She was back in her familiar black pants, black boots , black shirt, and the ever popular black jacket. The belt encircled her waist, the holster rested against her thigh. She had a number of thoughts running through her mind, like the cutie with the blue hair that had joined them for this mission. Where had Coren stuck her again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She would need to find out, she first would take the bottles of water up to Coren and Nada. She was quiet as she came in she didn’t say much except to leave the water. Coren’s bottle had a little note attached to it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I’m gonna be here for you from now on[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]This you know somehow[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]You’ve been stretched to the limits but it’s alright now[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]And I’m gonna make you a promise[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]If there’s life after this[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]I’m gonna be there to meet you with a warm , wet kiss[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=12pt]She left him with a big smile and a small pat to his arm, and then she went off to find Karen, and now for Karen she had something else entirely. A bottle of blossom wine.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]We don't have to take our clothes off
To have a good time, ohh oh
We could dance & party all night
And drink some blossom wine
[SIZE=12pt]Rekha soon found where Karen was hiding, well staying and knocked gently, “Hello Karen, I’m Rekha thought we should meet” She waited for Karen to open the door.[/SIZE]

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Karen Roberts"]​
Starchaser was hoping that all was going to go off without a hitch. He hadn’t really announced the flight plan aside to a few people aboard this ship, and some others in the Underground. They knew where the action would be and that their assistance wouldn’t go un-wanted. The real trick was being able to trust someone on the outside. The person he was trusting though, that was a Corellian, and a Mando. That meant getting ahold of [member="Orick T'ane"] and letting him know when they were arriving.

Anyone who would be in the Tiburon either now or retconned in, were going to be among the safest people in the galaxy. Coren Starcahser behind the helm of a craft? It didn’t get much better. Unless it was Coren in charge of the Rising but she wasn’t his attack vessel. The Tibruon was if someone strapped a .50 cal and a rocket launcher to a Ferrari. The Rising? That was someone adding a mortar launcher to a Wrangler.

Sometimes he preferred this ship.

He could see Hypori, and he nodded to himself. “Alright Nada, y’know the drill. Fly natural.” He nodded to the Chiss and turned on the ship-based intercom. “Alright folks, we’re arriving at Hypori. Should land shortly. Let’s get ready. You know the drill.”

Get in, see what was worth stealing, try to get a transponder, or buy off crews of cruiser or two, if Orick had done his job.

Or maybe [member="Khaleel Malvern"] had heard the messages and would lend a hand. Who knew?

And any fighters could be on standby. He knew there were RebelXs not too far out, put aside for this little trip.

Safety net.

But they were behaving. Flying within the laws and all weapons were turned off.

[member="Karen Roberts"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]


Disney's Princess
Ah. Gifts and women. Didn't get much better on Zeltros, than aboard a Starchaser ship. Karen stood up and pushed the curtain away from where she'd been hiding,

"Hello hello. Nice to meet you Rekha."

She put down the book and dusted her hands off. Accepting the gift of wine with a beaming smile,

"Oh my! It's lovely. Bless you dear. Thank you, thank you. ...Oh. And from such a looker too. Good heavens honey, you're gorgeous."

Karen stepped out into the hall and eyed the other woman up from head to toe. Style, sass, and excellent choice in wine too. Why, Miss Rekha was the full package.

"Rekha you are stunning, girl. That jacket... Mmm. Yummy. No wonder Coren says such wonderful things about you. Goodness, your exceptional."

Speak of the devil. Starchaser announced their arrival,

"Oh. It appears we are about to begin. I suppose we'll have to share a drink afterwards. Hehe. Can't have too much fun before we depart, now can we?"

She stowed the bottle and retrieved her carbine.

"To the bridge then. I'll follow you Rekha."

[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
[SIZE=12pt]Rekha looked her newest friend over, “[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]OH honey no one is throwing you out of bed for eating crackers anytime soon so[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]…” Rekha winked at her and then drew closer, “[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]The wine is excellent we will have to have a glass later”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha then kissed Karen, a quick kiss on the lips, “an ice breaker honey, come on it’s time to play.” Rekha reached for Karen’s hand. Rekha hoped that Karen wasn’t a woman who lived in a bubble all her life. She made sure they walked together, “We can have fun no matter what, just have to change the angle honey. And you say Coren talks about me…well well…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha kept in mind the objective, but she had to be herself at all times. “Bridge is this way. So how long have you known our star chasing [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]yumminess?” There was always time for a little gossip, a little levity to ease the mind before all seriousness began.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Justice is the one thing you should always find
You got to saddle up your boys
You got to draw a hard line
When the gun smoke settles we’ll sing a victory tune
We’ll all meet back at the local saloon
We’ll raise up our glasses against evil forces
Singing whiskey for my friends, beer for my horses[/SIZE]

[member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Orick loved shipyards, he had spend almost his whole in space, and ships to him were symbols of freedom. The fact that these massive facilities built the symbols of his freedom always made him nostalgic for the simple life when he was a kid. He watched through the visitors waiting room as ships danced around each other, a silent ballet of movement and skill. He was here for several reasons, he actually was interested in working on getting parts for his repair business, some things were just easier to get from big companies of possible, but he was also here to scout out security and get a feel for where the weak spots were.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] wasn't a close friend of his, but if he was, this probably wouldn't work. Familiarity could cause tells or hints that security personnel to pick up on. They could be familiar later, when the job was done and the bottles were being passed around. He had contacted several people that he knew for information on how to collect a few specialized items. He wondered how well connected his contact was, was he getting a burnt out old janitor to help him, or was he getting an up and coming designer.

It was too late to worry about it now, he had to roll with the punches and hope that the next few hours worked out in his favor.
Coren didn’t really know what was going on in the back-bits of his ship. That was the trick with having stowaways and people that were told their minds were safe. Sure, Coren could reach out to the minds, but he had some respect to the color they were born to mourn to people on his team. “Right, just keep her steady, Nada.” Coren nodded, as like clockwork, the comm lit up.

“This is Hypori yard to Starship Accord please identify. We are reading Republic IFF.”

“That’s affirmative, Yard. Republic Vessel Accord on approach. Came afoul of pirates. Looking for a place to berth, affect repairs and get out of your hair. Just need to get on her skin for the last bit.”

There were a few moments and Coren looked at Nada with an expression that said ‘don’t you fething quote the movie.’ It did take a moment and on the station they were granted clearance to a locked dock. That was kind of what he was expecting. Three hours? He wondered how much the corporate overlords were going to charge for this gift.

“You’re very gracious, Yard. Appreciate the assist.”

When they started to throttle up to head to the dock, Coren gave his ship a distinct wiggle, that anyone looking would notice. Time to get to work.

They had what, he, Rekha, Karen, and maybe a handful of red-shirts. Most who were selected to stay behind. They’d go native for a bit.

Simple, really. And there was the berth. The Accord slowly set down and Coren unbuckled his crash webbing. “Keep her ready, Nada.” He grabed his Power Nine pistol and left his lightsaber as he made it to the gathering center of the ship. "Alright, we have three hours. We're looking for anything useful. I'm hoping to find a transponder we can replicate. Anything that you think you can get away with, hell, if you feel ballsy enough to steal a ship, do that. This is fact finding, but if we can get away with anything, we'll take. I've also got a man out here who will be looking for glitterstim. Please don't kill him. Ready? Lets get to work." He nodded to the boarding ramp.

[member="Orick T'ane"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
Time to raid a port.

Roberts slipped on her helm and color-shifting shawl. This was were the fun begins. She nodded to Rekha as she secured her equip,

"As you can see. I know only two things about our fearless leader. One. He's got balls. And two? He can keep a secret. ...Which is pretty much the best compliment I can give a fellow Corellian. Hehe."

If she could have winked, she would have. Smiling with a roll of her shoulders, Karen waltzed out into the port with a disruptor on her back. It was time to go to work.



Tom Farns approached the desk with his lunchbox swinging happily at his side. He was a port mechanic known for being lazy, being a veteran, and for getting paid jack squat from his employers. And right now Tom had noticed that the receptionist droid had been replaced by a beautiful blue-haired woman wearing a trucker's hat and apparently, ...body armor. This he had to see.

"Hello there pretty lady."

"Why hello?" Said the blue-haired woman as she typed away on the computers. She appeared quite chipper.

"Didn't know we got a new receptionist down here on B Deck? ...Fancy that. Well? I'm Tom. Sorta the IT guy around here. What's your name."

"Hello Tom. I'm Kathy. I'm just filling in while the protocol droid get's it's optics fixed. It's very routine."

She waved two fingers in the air and Tom seemed to understand. Surely she was just filling in while the droid got fixed. That made complete sense to him now.

"Great. So... How about lunch sometime? I know this real nice Spice Trader from Trobe Three. Sells the very best in Excel Cuisine and pickled condiments. Fancy a try?"

"Sorry Tom. I'm real busy here. Maybe some other time."

"Oh. Well what cha' working on?" He leaned over the desk and eyed the computer screens,

First there was the shipping manifest. It looked like she had pulled all the records for the ship's departures today. Then there was the security overlay. Huh? It looked like the cameras were all on stand by, all across the port. That was weird. ...Then there was the door locks that the she was hacking open to restricted areas all across the station. Oh man. What a funky receptionist. She was like a spy or something.

"Actually Tom? Come here and help me with this screen right here."

"Sure. That's the power supply menu. Here let me have a look."

Tom rounded the desk and noticed a few silver droid parts hidden underneath the table. It did appear that the poor protocal droid was in dire need of some real repairs after all. Look. There was his head, his legs, and all...

"Wait a minute?... Kathy, didn't you say..."



Karen Roberts stuffed poor Tom Farns underneath the desk too. Ugh. How she hated distractions whilst she was hacking security.

"Thanks Tom. ...Sleep tight."

Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.

Kerkov stood on the bridge of the Onslaught, a Victory I-Class Star Destroyer and the flagship of the Open Circle Armada. It was flanked by 3 Consular (retrofit) Class Cruisers, 1 Excelsior Class Cruiser, 1 Umbara Class Carrier Cruiser, 1 Widow Class Frigate, and following in a wedge formation 5 Reiger Class Logistics ships. What made up the 1st Fleet of the Armada, one of the four fleets they currently had.

The 1st Fleet was currently on the search for the Event Horizon, a ship that had escaped Kerkov's grip at the Raid of Annaj, where Kerkov had likewise reaped billions of credits from it's remnants. But because of the ship's captains actions, [member="Coren Starchaser"], Kerkov had lost 529 men on the surface due to alerted loyalists. And Kerkov was ravenous for revenge.

But the trail had gone cold for the past two weeks, until now. A young lieutenant JG had just begun to excite himself when a report came in on his computer terminal screen. Immediately he rushed towards the bridge from the communications center to tell his commanding officer the good news. As he entered the communications officer greeted him hurriedly and listened to what the lieutenant JG had to say, and received the datapad the junior officer had carried with him. The more senior of the two eye's lit up as he walked over to the Fleet Admiral himself to tell him the good news.

Kerkov had seen his coming and addressed the commander,

"Commander Gi'ke, I see you have a new report to inform me on?"

Gi'ke saluted Kerkov,

"Sir, we have an indication of where the Event Horizon is, we are locking on to it's coordinates as we speak."

A wide grin spread across Kerkov's face,

"That is very good news indeed, have are hyperdrive prepped for launch. And make sure the young lad who found this gets a promotion, this is highly appreciated."

"Yes sir!"

Kerkov returned to his position watching the stars from the viewport of the bridge. Within the minute the little white dots that scattered the vacuum of space began to stretch across his vision as the fleet entered hyperspace. And Kerkov knew the end of Captain Starchaser and his companions were soon to be at an end.

[member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"]
[SIZE=12pt]Rekha it seems was left to her own devices. So she would have a look around this station and see what little odds and ends she could pick up, you know, for free. She didn’t have the red feathers today to help her she’d have to do this with her own wits.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]What few there were left of them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She strode out her usual strut of self assuredness her emerald green eyes looking from right to left and then focusing in on something straight ahead of her. She stopped and tilted her head slightly, then narrowed her gaze. She knew that form, couldn't miss it once you knew it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Aren’t you lost cupcake?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A male about 6 ft turned, his piercing blue eyes, crooked smile, and loads of wavy dark hair just radiated sexuality. Rekha moved closer, “Lost? Zarek ?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He gave her the once over, “Just a little but this isn’t Bespin Rekha what are you doing here?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She put her hand on his arm, “I need new toys, can you help me look around?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He nodded pulling her arm closer, “You can enlighten me, and then I can share with you” He flashed a winning smile of teeth, all of them, not broken, rotten, or missing.[/SIZE]


[member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
The team had their orders. That was good. Coren nodded as he started letting the crew out and about to do their thing. The nice thing about being him? Chances are very very slim people would connect Coren Starchaser to Kyle Topol, who was the owner of the Republic registered vessel the Accord. Sure, it looked similar to the Tiburon but there were collectors all over the galaxy for old ships. And the fact that this vessel has never come in contact with the Dawn Treader nor the Event Horizon? That was just icing on the cake. An Underground vessel was what this was.

He had a good team with him that was one thing he enjoyed about the work with the Underground. Both [member="Karen Roberts"] and [member="Rekha Kaarde"] were capable of doing a lot of different tasks, and well, being women? They could probably flirt a ship out of someone if they tried hard enough.

But Coren had a contact to meet. One of his smuggling contacts. He was hoping the man knew a few things about the station and what they could do to naturalize a cell within the Techno Union. The Underground needed to diversify, they couldn’t all fight the Sith, some had to take off the alliances. And he was hoping [member="Orick T'ane"] could help with that.

No armor, and a pistol on his hip, his Power 9, the man left his sniper rifle, one of the other weapons he was trained with, back on the Tiburon, they’d be safe for at least two hours, should get back in an hour to check on the vessel.

[member="William Kerkov"]
[SIZE=12pt]Rekha began talk to Zarek and letting him know what he needed to in order to help her. “I need a few transponders” She said to him in hushed tones as they walked. Sidelong glances came their way as they moved.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Do I ask why?” his voice low luring and strangely comforting.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha gave him a little smile, “What you don’t know can’t get that pretty face hurt love” She reached out and touched his cheek.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Hmm, Rekha you are always a handful, but you didn’t come in The Star so, you’re not alone are you mon chaton” his hand gripped her slightly tighter.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She didn’t want to cause a scene she gently pulled her hand out of his grip, “Listen Mon Loup you know business is business and play is play, but you’re right I didn’t come on the Star but I trust those I’m with.” Her green eyes stared up into his eyes so deep so full of life and need, “their cause is just mon loup trust me”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He took a deep breath, “you should wear those tight jeans, with that white linen shirt so casual but so hot mon chaton” He smiled that wolf smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I will one night if you help with the transponders” He nodded, “such a tease you are.” He took her hand again raising it to his lips to kiss her knuckles, “Forgive me for doubting” His lips touched her knuckles.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Forgiven mon loup, let’s prowl” the two walked off to find the transponders, well to borrow the transponders.[/SIZE]

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="William Kerkov"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Orick T'ane"]


Disney's Princess
Server Bulkhead, Shaft B
Slicing things, Giving the guards headaches, etc...

Roberts was still packing along the lunchbox she'd borrowed. Even in her phrik armor it just seemed appropriate to not go without munching now-and-again. Even if all it was carrot chips. Meh. She leaned deeper into the wall panel that she'd torn off and sighed. She was not an engineer. All these wires and circuit boards were annoying to toy with. That is probably why this had taken so long to finally find and slice this junction box.

She finished clipping on the final Tap into the circuit board and nodded. Good enough. That was the last one,

"Finally. Now let's see if she's up and running. Go virus go."

Karen withdrew the maintenance datapad and began looking at the numbers. Let's see. Ah! Good. She now had access to a full 80% of the systems controls. Perfect. That would just have to do.

"Okay. So let's delete the security logs discretely. There. ...Now. Let's lock those boys in their room. ...Bingo. And how about a false fire alarm over here. ...Tada! Oh, and how about we turn off the air conditioning to the break room. ...Ha! Too easy. This is fun."

The poor security crew of this station was going to hate her for the next hour and a half. All there fancy gizmos were breaking, one by one. It would take them even longer than that to figure out how to disable her virus too. Hehe. So until then? She was going to keep the poor guards busy, busy, busy.

"Ooo. Electronic showers? ...Yes please. Hehe. I wonder what happens when I invert the temperature controls? Ah. Tada! ...Cold showers for everybody."

She smirked to herself and put the datapad back into her bag,

"Good heavens. I'm just so mean today. Poor babies."

Roberts closed up the panel and locked it back in place. Now everyone on the station was free to steal as much as they wanted. The guards would have their hands full for hours.
His team had a few things to do, they had their missions, but he? He was looking to get a ship ready. There were a few pilots, and he was trusting that Rekha or Karen could get out if it came to him needing to liberate a Techno Union shuttle. Mainly, he wanted the transponders, but if it came to taking the whole damned ship? He could manage that too.

Making his way through the station, he was walking like he belonged. That was a skill for him, looking like he belonged. What he needed to do was find where Orick was, and failing that meeting, move to plan B. He looked and knew there had to be a uniform room. He’d give Orick a few more moments at the meeting site, as he was going through the schematics of the station.

Then it’d be time to get a move on.

[member="Karen Roberts"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
[member="William Kerkov"]
[member="Orick T'ane"]
[SIZE=12pt]Rekha and Zarek were headed towards the maintenance bays, down where the spare parts, and new parts were kept. New parts however were usually to be bought, but Rekha wanted transponders that worked but identified someone else, something else.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She and mon loup whispered together of old times, “And then she fell through the flooring do you remember? “ Rekha laughed, “She landed on the steps below, and looked up at the hole she came through from the second floor, and it was a crazy night”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Zarek had that deep barrel laugh that made people look, “yes, but what about the night of the celebration where you decided you had to have that piece of cloth from out of the Admirals bath? The one with the emblem.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha paused, “OH I had forgotten that, I got caught if I remember.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Zarek nodded, “Do you remember what happen?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They were getting closer to the maintenance deck, “yeah, he asked me for dinner and I had to go because..well..because”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Zarek interrupted “Because you told him he was the finest Admiral in the fleet and that you…had a crush on him mon chaton”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha nodded, “Oh yeah…I remember now….” Then she laughed,..”Well we had some good times” Rather than have to explain being drunk, and wanting to have a towel from his bath she had lied to avoid punishment. She had enough looks that she could pull it off, and he wasn't bad looking. He just..wasn't her type. She did come out with the towel, it hung in her bath even now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Zarek knew his friend a bit too well, her attitude, and her way of life, always full blast, when did she stop, and when did someone take care of her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Did anyone take time to see the hints of pain in her eyes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Up ahead my dear, we shall see what we have” The door to the maintenance bay opened the smell of fuel and oil made her nose twitch.[/SIZE]

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="William Kerkov"] [member="Orick T'ane"]
[SIZE=12pt]They were through the maintenance door quickly and there was where their “friendship” ended. He let her loose and pushed her forward.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“So much bad luck for you lucky lady, did you think you could move about without my finding you?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha looked back, “I’ve done quite the job about it already, and now I have friends, Friends that will….well, let’s say they will make you disappear into deep dark holes”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Zarek moved them out into the maintenance bay, “So what are you looking for way out here kitten?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha had to control the rising fear in her stomach she had not seen Zarek in sometime and if he had found her that mean others could find her too. Others that would take a pound of her flesh just for the sake of having it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Sith transponders” She said it quick, she didn’t want him to think she was lying.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“transponders are hard to get, but I know a hutt that has at least two.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha straightened up, “Two? How did?” She stopped no. “I don’t need to know, what will he take for them do you know?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Zarek gave her that evil grin that for so many women would make them melt where they stood. Feth she had been one of those women some time back. “You work for him one month, you leave now with me, no telling your boyfriend, and girlfriend you’re leaving.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha’s mouth partially opened she had been ready to spit out her answer, but they were having a hard time getting the transponders. So…she had to think on this.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“But they will worry”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Zarek lifted his hands, “30 days for 2 transponders, no complaints, you do what you’re told, and then we let you go…but no one knows where you go.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She knew that her friends would vote against this idea, they’d say it was only a matter of time before they had them. But Rekha knew how long they had already been looking.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They might be upset with her later, “If they aren’t told something they will look for me”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Zarek laughed, “you really think you matter that much? They’ll just think you skipped off somewhere to catch some action. It’s your rep kitten”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]What Zarek said was true… one time but not now. Now was different. She looked again thinking this through. She was tougher than most thought, she slowly lifted her eyes to Zarek.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Fine one month, we go now”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Zarek nodded made a motion Rekha turned just in time to have a pair of gamorrean guards knock her unconscious.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Your boss will like her, let’s go” And with that Rekha Kaarde disappeared.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]When she woke up she had a headache, the thundering pounding pain throbbed in time with her heart. She tried to open her eyes but the pain was blinding. She could hear movement around her, “hey, can I get an aspirin, pain killer?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]There were some murmurings, and grunts. Oh wait…her mind started to clear. Mon Loup had given her over to Gamorreans to take to some Hutt. But where was the Hutt, Tatooine, Nar Shaddaa, someplace else.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She tried to move but her feet were cuffed, the jingle of chains started when she moved her hands. They must be afraid of her all this fuss.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Mon Loup you better have my transponders when this is done.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Mon Loup was now working to get the transponders he didn’t actually have them and neither did the Hutt. What he had done was exercise his will over Rekha, a reminder that he still could control her and she would lay down each time. He laughed at the thought, the willingness in her eyes when he offered her a prize that would help her friends.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Friends that he had successfully separated her from. She was so naïve, even gullible it gave him great pleasure knowing he had this control over her. But. He knew if he didn’t deliver on the transponders that she would not relent so easily the next time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha had to deal with the headache, her captors’ basic was awful while they gave her water to keep her going, and something they called food for nourishment, they didn’t understand pain medicine.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A few days later they arrived at the destination. Tatooine. She should have known, when would Hutts learn to live somewhere else…well when would Hutts she encountered by somewhere else.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The guards dragged her from the cage, and began pushing her through a series of corridors until they arrived in the receiving hall. A few words were spoken, her Hutt was rusty but when addressed she could answer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“You are here to serve until The Wolf retrieves you” he bellowed his voice boomed and echoed off the walls.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha started to protest but now was not the time, now she had to do what was told, and she held onto the though, one month, I go home. One month.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“You will start with cleaning the cages below, if you prove worthy, a different task will be assigned”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Cages? She was immediately fitted with a collar. She felt every nerve in her body flinch, and her tongue longed to voice her disgust. One month. I get the transponders, one month.[/SIZE]
The first week was the worst on her knees scrubbing floors of the cages.

"God when was the last time these were cleaned!" her voice echoed around the room to no one except the ever present guards at the door. She could feel her stomach lurch each time she had to start a cage. It was amazing the level of filth that littered the floor. Buckets filled with human bodily fluids that reeked, she did her best to remove the buckets, dumping them out and replacing with something clean.

She took the pallets out freshed them with new blankets, well less holey ones. Her knees bruised from crawling in and out on the cobble stone floors, her skin cracked from the cleaner that she was given.

As she had cleaned one cage, she was attacked by another slave. The slave wild eyed, and clearly having been a slave for many years drove fist after fist into her ribs, as she tried to cover up she kicked out the feet of the other bringing her down. She didn't want to hurt her but feth. "hey hey" she yelled which stopped the woman in her tracks, as she backed up and sat down staring at Rekha.

"it's just clean" Did the woman want to keep the filth? the guards grunted and laughed.

Rekha wanted to wipe the blood away but couldn't stand the though of the filth near her face.

Slowly she returned to clean, ever mindful of the woman watching her.

After two days of steady cleaning she finally got to the last cage, and finished the floor.

that night she was taken to her room yes she had a room, even though she was chained to the bed. THIS made all her worst nightmares return, she'd wake screaming in the night only to hear the soft laughter of those around her who had heard her.

She was taken to bath one evening and as she stripped down her clothes the number of bruises, and caked blood began to poke holes in to the armor she wore to protect her emotions. She had not been so badly hurt since her days after being dumped on Coruscant and having to survive.

The wolf in the meantime was negotiating, and infiltrating sith space preparing to make a deal with the devils to give what was needed to Rekha at the end of one month. The Smuggler traded credits, whiskey, information and supplies as he got closer to the prize.
[SIZE=12pt]The Wolf was on approach to a small station just inside Sith space, the external sensors on his freighter picked up the station directly ahead. The weapons system of the station quickly came on line and locked on to the freighter.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]This did not bother him he knew they were playing it safe, he had all the right codes for approach and he had taken time to call ahead so they knew he was coming.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A blinking red light for communications came on que, “Identify yourself”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“This is The Wolf I’m bringing in replacement power transformers, the shipment is expected” Had someone on the station screwed up and not followed through? He was taking the ship in nice and slow.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]What seemed like forever was only a few moments when the voice came back, “Very well docking permission granted, use docking bay three” and then nothing. The Wolf grinned well so far so good.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He moved the ship where directed and established a hard-seal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The trick now while the load was being taken care of was to meet his contact, and get the transponders. What better place to get them than from a Sith Station shouldn’t be that difficult, those in the employ of the Sith were like everyone else, always looking for a deal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He sent the message, “I’m here”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Now he waited.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The other thing about the station, folks were quick they wanted you off as fast as you got on. It looked like he was going to need more time. So how to get more time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He looked around an idea sprouted. He walked over to the one in charge, or appeared in charge. “Excuse me” he wanted to be polite it would get him a bit further not much but a bit. It was in situations like this that being a woman would come in handy, for most women are easily a distraction. But a guy mostly got eye rolls and bugger off.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]So what could he offer? He held up the equivalent of a business card, which had a lovely zeltron for the background. “Ever need anything that maybe you’d like to have but can’t order?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The deck boss eyed him suspiciously, he reached over for the card. “Sometimes” It was a flat response tinted with what do you really want tones.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Wolf was just killing time, “maybe there’s something I can bring you”[/SIZE]

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