Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Iratann'Dira
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Twi'lek
AGE: 18 years old.
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.83 meters
WEIGHT: 63 kilograms
EYES: Green
HAIR: None
SKIN: Aquamarine, with green spots on her lekku and shoulders.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but she is unaware.


(+) Agile: Ira was born with a natural flexibility and swiftness, which helps her to evade attacks, and to escape, in case she needs to.
(+) Athletic: Although in captivity, Ira always excercised herself, thus, this enables her to outrun people, and escape.
(+) Heal through force: Since she was a little child, Ira has always been able to heal wounds through the force. However, because she has never been trained, her abilities only are able to cure small cuts and bruises.
(+) Good pilot: Ira has also an inborn ability to pilot spaceships and vehicles.
( - ) Physical Strenght: Even though she is very agile, she lacks in muscle, and is very weak when it comes to fighting hand-to-hand.
( - ) Lousy shot: Because she has never practiced with firearms, like blasters, she doesn't knows how to aim correctly, and she often misfires.
( - ) Overemotional: Because she has been through a lot, Ira is very sensitive, and she tends to overreact in some situations.
( - ) Fear: When Ira gets very scared, she paralyzes, and is unable to move.

Ira is a Twi'lek, with smooth, aquamarine colored skin. In her lekku and shoulders, she has spots, which are darker than her skin. She also has green eyes, which shine a bit when she is happy. She is slender, and she is 1.83 meters tall, and weights 63 kilograms.

She wears a purple dress, and over it, she has a brown robe, which covers her body to her feet.

Ira was born alongside her twin sister, on Courscant. Her mother and father were slaves to a wealthy mob boss, and she was sold when she was still very young, to a pirate. She never saw her family again.

The young girl found her new "home" on ther pirate's spaceship. There, she was mistreated by the pirates, forced to work cleaning the ship and making food for the marauders. There, she was adopted by one of the slaves that the raiders had, a middle-aged Rodian female, which became the closest she had ever had to a mother, since she had been separated from her family, looking out for her, and caring for the Twi'lek, making sure that the little girl's curiosity didn't get her into trouble.

However, when Ira was 13 years old, her adoptive mother was sold to another slaver, and she was left without no one again. As her life became even harder, with the loss of her loved one, and the load of work being ever increasing, she decided to escape from the pirates, and to earn her freedom.

When she turned 16, she became a dancer for the pirates, as the leader had noticed her beauty, soon becoming the favorite of the men on the ship. 2 more years passed, until her chance of escaping came.
While the vessel was docked in a planet, the pirates got very drunk, and using this as her advantage, she managed to steal a small blaster that one of the raiders had, and used it to cut the chain around her neck that had her unable to go anywhere, finally, escaping from the pirate ship for good.

After escaping from the spaceship where she was in, Ira found herself in a dire situation, as she was being tracked by mercenaries, sent by her "master" however, she was found by a kind jed, Oka Osaa, who protected her, and later, she was offered to be taken to a safe haven by the commander of the Galactic Liberation Colective, Regore Laxvan.

Regore took her to Sanctuary, where she met Regore's friends, Cena, a Twi'lek who had also been subjected to mistreatment and slavery, and Cerdok, a Trandoshan who had once been a slaver, but now he was fighting against it. She also met Colap Ticon, a smuggler, and Capitain Falcor, an Imperial Officer which had been frozen since the end of the war between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire. In Sactuary, Ira also witnessed how the escaped slaves where making their lifes again, and decided that she would also do the same with hers.

Asking Regore to help her find her way on the universe, she asked to be taken to Courscant, however, in mid-trip, they landed on Kashyyk, on the lower part of the planet, the Shadowlands, to help a crashed spaceship. As they searched for the spaceship, the aquamarine Twi'lek got lost in the forests, and was found by Katar, Morgana, Kycoros Oberon, Jericho and Mit Tuxaire. The last helped her to try and find Regore, however, they never found him. Filled with grief, she decided to go with Mit, to the frozen planet of Hoth.

-She has a DL-18 Blaster Pistol, stolen from a pirate.
-A knife





A Rainy Night

On Sanctuary

Shadowland Rendezvous

A Frozen Wasteland

To Defend Once Home

About the Life and the Force


A Slight Detour...
Well... I think she is more interested on escaping from the slavers than on dealing with them, but she could use some help.

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Wel if you need help we can help, the GLC's main goal is to figt slavery and opresion, so just give the word and well bring in the troops.

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