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Approved Tech Gna's Havoc squad armor

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  • Manufacturer: Gna Grimwasp
  • Model: na
  • Affiliation: Gna grimwasp
  • Modularity: no
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Carbonfiber and plastoids
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: 13 grams
  • Quality: 1
  • Magnetic boots
  • Backpack clips
  • Helmet Camera
  • Night Vison (black and white)
  • Targeting Software
  • Vital Signs monitor
  • Communications equipment (small wave radio for communication with Squad members)
  • Annunciator
  • Snack storage
  • Blood type ID on shoulder of each armor
  • Extreemly light weight
  • offers no protection.
Due to her size Gna is unable to wear true armor. thus she crafted a miniature set more as a uniform to fit in to the unit as opposed to a functional set.
the armor acts similar to protective pads simply protecting from knocks and blows but not damage.
the armor is simply to be a uniform as opposed to a real armor. as it bears the unit's logo


Well-Known Member
Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.


Well-Known Member
[member="Gna Grimwasp"]

This armor has an issue of basic feasibility. The intended wearer weighs 0.5 kg (1 lbs) and is 30 cm tall (12 in). The latter is just about the blast radius of a well-aimed blaster shot to center center mass.
Most normal weapons, with her size, are going to be overpoweringly strong. Packing normal equipment into an armor that's about six times smaller than regular-issue stuff is going to be a problem. Not everything can be miniaturized.

Oxygen tanks, for example, require a certain volume to store the compressed gas, and thus have a certain weight. I understand it's adjusted for size, but unfortunately, the adjustment isn't linear.
And that's just one example – the other systems of the armor would suffer the same issues. The bulk of the gear would be prohibitively heavy for someone of your character's size and weight.

For reference, a human newborn is half again as tall and eight times as heavy as your character. You can't design a functional armor for a baby, and for a character this size, even less so.

Unless you can give me a very solid argument how this thing's supposed to work at all, I'm going to have to deny it on concept.


Well-Known Member
[member="Gna Grimwasp"]

Gna Grimwasp said:
offers no real protection save taking a hits.
  • If it's not functional, please clearly list under Weaknesses that it offers no protection.

Also expand on the description to the required good-sized paragraph, please.
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