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Imperial Technocracy of Zakuul and Vandemar

Located on the ancient dyson-sphere of Iokath, now renamed Vandemar, the Imperial Technocracy is a secular state and industrial powerhouse dedicated to research, technological progress and military prowess.

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Current Faction Narrative: Birth of the Hegemony {Prologue}
"Based on their artificial home, the Star Fortress known as Invictus Antagonistis, the Hegemony is actively seeking to establish connections and partners throughout the Galaxy. Partners which at least share the desire and interest in technological advancement, but preferably support and embrace the rule of the non-Force user and ideally oppose the Force and its practitioners altogether.

Especially of interest are those that align with the former Chiss Ascendancy, the Eternal Empire and the New Imperial Order."

Table of Contents:
  1. Roles to Play
  2. Military and Doctrine
  3. Overwatch
  4. Knights of Zakuul
  5. Nobility and Houses


Current Galactic Narrative: Second Great Hyperspace War
"Vandemar is a part of the Empire, its legions of paladins aiding the imperial efforts at the very frontlines of the Second Great Hyperspace War. Dedicating many of its resources to technology and research, especially under the eagle-eyes supervision of their supreme leader, the High Imperator, the Vandemarians are very dedicated to a more enlightened and egalitarian view on the Galaxy. They oppose the rule and influence of Force users on any governments or even populations, valuing the masses and science above religion and the big powers of the few."
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Roles to Play

The Hegemony is offering a variety of possible characters to band together and craft incredible stories. In the wake of the Great Poofening, many long standing factions are gone, especially the more militaristic centrist ones. After the fall of the Eternal Empire and the Brotherhood of the Maw, the galactic South and Southwest are a power vacuum which stands at the edge of the Unknown Regions, a source and foundation for extraordinary storylines to be unfolded.

With taking influence from those fallen as well as the original Eternal Empire, the Empire of the Hand and the Chiss Ascendancy, the Hegemony strives to give a versatile, but focused narrative to Chaos and the members interested.

Military - Grand Legion of the Hegemony
Warposting | Heroic | Personal

The Grand Legion originates in the gene-enhanced soldiers of the Rim-Guard Order, but taken a step further. A clone army, elite and exceptional in its conception, which fights with undying willpower and eternal strength inspired by the great ancient Project: Exarch.

Various levels of clones exist, bred over a longer period of time, meaning more specialisation and training. A fresh and new organisation, they are barely born and not yet battle-tested.

Government - Houses of Nobility
Political | Personal | Warposting | Droid

The Hegemony works from a centralised government which oversees the military and foreign policies but leaves local matters to the local rulers, be they noble, elected or industrials. There is a place for anyone capable at the table of the Exarchs, the enforcers and rulers and as long as they send their tithe, the Hegemony does not ask too many questions.

Technocratic core-values are the base of the Hegemony, giving those of skill and capability the positions and ranks they are worthy of. Yet nobody is ever protected from political schemes and intrigues or the temptation of money.

Military - Armies of the Hegemony
Warposting | Personal | Remnant

The Hegemony is very welcoming to all kinds of former professional soldiers. Be they Ultranauts, Stormtroopers or whatever their allegiance was - asylum is offered for an oath taken and a devotion to discipline and enlightenment. They are welcome troopers, complementing the direly outnumbered Legionaries in the savage warzones of the Unknown Regions.

It is also the standing army alternative to the Legions for all citizens born and raised in Hegemony space, offering a home to both dedicated professionals as well as a training ground for the general conscription issued to all who live there.

Intelligence - Overwatch
Intelligence | Ideology | Personal

Overwatch is the intelligence and internal security division of the Hegemony, providing absolute all around surveillance and access to the home-cohorts of the auxillary, being more than capable to act as suppressors of rebellions or routing out smugglers, pirates and gangsters.

The agents are well drilled and there are specialised assassin divisions which train various kinds of killers to both support peace-time and war-time stability through selective liquidation. Overwatch also has the oversight and check on Force user activity and programs.

Force User - Knights of Zakuul
Force User | Personal | Warposting

Force Users have a special place in the society of the Hegemony: none. All those born with the 'gift of the Force' are directly taken into custody and sent to special training divisions of the Knight Schools. Indoctrinated to bring an end to the rule of Force sensitives, these Knights are dead serious soldiers of justice. They are trained in the way of the ancient Knights of Zakuul and are deployed to frontlines against other Force users, grinding them down with lifes if necessary.

Military - Navy of the Hegemony
Fleeting | Personal | Exploration | Droid

The Navy consists of two different arms, each operating on their own terms but all operating under the same supreme command.

The Crusader Fleets are task and purpose oriented in nature, usually composed around a core of ships fielded by the Grand Legion and then supported by further needed fleet elements of various specialisations and fits. They are send out to deal with a specific threat, campaign or effort be it political or diplomatic in nature.

The Hegemonic Defense Fleet is responsible for protecting the assets of both the Hegemony and its associated partners, often deployed and funded by private means and the partners themselves, they nevertheless answer to the supreme command, despite having more freedom in their respective commands.

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Military and Doctrine
"We bring enlightenment, justice and order to the Galaxy."
The military of the Hegemony is very diverse in its composition and very focused in its application and doctrine. The armed forces are to protect and expand the influence and ideology of the Hegemony, taking a pro-active role in the Galaxy, an energy which surges forward, absorbing or vanquishing resistance. It is not only down to the blaster and blade, the projected power may also be sufficient to force an enemy to accept defeat, bowing in compliance. The goal is not to eradicate all life, but to unite it, to achieve a higher goal. The purpose of the military is clear, the strategies adaptable and versatile.

Speartip Doctrine
"We strike at the vital parts of the enemy, removing their heart, eyes and head in a single strike."
The Speartip is a very popular and common approach to a war zone and campaign. It aims on a quick, overwhelming strike at the throat and heart of the enemy, defeating and removing the leadership and will to fight of the enemy in a single strike. This is often conducted as an orbital assault, using descending drop pods and gunships to deliver troops right where they are needed and the enemy does not want them. This is often complemented by a swift, overwhelming attack of the Imperialis Armada which deploys legions of Skytroopers prior to distract and bind the enemy.

Usually the speartip is led by the Grand Legion, specialised and equipped to wither and overcome heavy enemy resistance. They are the first in and last out, they are sent where resistance is toughest and the enemy strongest, overcoming impossible odds with heroic deeds. The clones are an elite unit of warriors, showing neither compassion nor feelings in the heat of battle, their aim is to defeat the enemy.

Though depending on the value of the target and the estimated strength, the Stormtrooper Corps or even Skytrooper Cohorts could also be sent instead. For the Hegemony there is not varying degrees of appreciation for fulfilling a duty, a Stormtrooper will receive awards and recognition like any other soldier. There are standards and objective truths which are applied to survey and approach a conflict and the clones of the Grand Legion are definitely the last but ultimate choice. Yet the Stormtrooper Corps has a much larger variety of weapons it deploys, more troops, more tanks and offers a decent quality in numbers, both manpower and guns.

On the other hand, while appreciating and developing its AI and droid auxiliaries, the Skytroopers are by all means an expendable resource and used just as that during offensive operations. There are models with high calculation capacities to command the mere foot soldiers, but they are usually commanded by organics within the ranking of the Corps or Legion.


Grand Legion of the Hegemony
"We are the sword. We are the hammer. We are Legion."

The Grand Legion is the primary fighting force of the Hegemony. Modelled with both the Grand Army of the Republic and the ancient Project Exarch in mind, it is an elite fighting force composed of gene-engineered soldiers equipped with heavy weapons and armour. They are extremely martial and due to conditioning and bio-engineering their emotional depth was limited to create uncompromising and loyal warriors. They are towering soldiers, bred for the purpose of defeating the enemies strongest soldiers and to take on Force users on equal terms. Their nature as being Force Dead is reinforcing this purpose and greatly increasing their capability to fight the champions of the Force religions.

Organised in individual Legions each commanded by a Legate or Legionmaster, the Legionaries break down into battalion sized Cohorts which are led by a Tribune, each holding ten companies who are commanded by respective Captains. Usually deployed a single overwhelming force, it can happen that individual Cohorts or even Companies are dispatched for certain tasks. Valuing a high tactical and operational flexibility, even a company might be enough to take out a much stronger enemy by outmanoeuvring and overpowering them in detail.

After all these super-humans are extremely modified and only their faces truly remain human, as the rest of their bodies is altered to fulfil exactly one purpose: combat. They are made to be better, to be stronger and faster than the average species to outclass them in battle, but primarily, to be able to fight Force users in direct combat. They have a purpose behind their increased reflexes, their extreme resilience and the fact that they Force Dead.

Favoring heavy armour, destructive weapons and close combat, the Legionaries are a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield. Their favourite method of fighting includes the insertion by orbital drops and gunship deployment right to the heaviest enemy resistance. They are made to overcome it, to resist it and to walk triumphantly through heavy fire.


Corps of Armed Forces
"Serving a higher purpose."
Composed of two parts, the Armed Forces are the standing army of the Hegemony, established for those citizens who wish to pursue a military career. All citizens go through a one year conscription with optional extension and optional reserve service with citizenship benefits. But the career path is set for one duration and one only: 27 years is a professional soldiers service time.
Welcoming Stormtroopers of the Empire, Ultranauts of the Eternal Empire or from any other disciplined fighting force with open arms, the Armed Forces are accepting them by taking an oath of compliance and at least one full enlistment, which will give them full citizenship afterwards. Fitted with tanks, walkers, artillery, close air support and many more standard equipment, the Armed Forces are the most versatile of the Hegemony's military forces.

Following the traditional imperial organisation of troops, the most basic organistion is the Legion of roughly 10.000 soldiers. These are all professionals as for frontline combat the Hegemony will only make use of volunteer troops, the conscripts always confined and put into garrison and training units, which nevertheless conduct life-fire exercises and harsh maneuvers to prepare the population for any possible incursion.

The aim is to make as much of the Corps mechanised as possible, though the arms production runs a little short on that, due to the Grand Legion being the main benefactor of the Olympians. So the Armed Forces often rely on imperial equipment as well as scavenging that of similar production. They are very opportunistic about their supply and will take anything they can get, this though evolved into some more and some less equipped Legions as well as a certain disparity in their fighting capability. While they are not treated, not at all, as second hand troops, some definitely might feel the need or even requirement to prove themselves to both the Grand Legion and Hegemony as worthy.

Nevertheless, their supply of necessary equipment, such as winter clothing, personal armour, utility tools, power packs and of course infantry weapons, is more than enough to give the Armed Forces a very solid foundation to build upon. They are drilled to fight with the minimum and survive, they are trained in various climates and terrains to understand the differences for campaigns and they are disciplined.


Navy of the Hegemony
"The Stars are ours."
The Navy of the Hegemony is composed of two independent commands and an AI operated support fleet. They are all answering to the supreme commander, but have different types of ships, recruitment procedures and of course, tactics. Due to the separation and the relatively scarce amount of resources available, the fleet is a more specialised force and prefers to use specific ships for specific tasks.

The Crusader Fleets
The Crusader Fleets are Legion-led task forces which are sent out to perform a specific task, battle or campaign. They are built around a core of heavy Legion ships which are considered the main fighting force, serving a local fleet-in-being purpose while support elements are added by predicted requirement, such as more escorts, carriers, starfighter wings or droid ships.

The fleets are no permanent installations and therefore have no specific naval base, though the Invictus Antagonistis Star Fortress, home of the Legions is considered its base of operations and where most of the Legions fleet is, while the support elements are usually drawn from partners and the Defense Fleet.

The Hegemonic Defense Fleet
Different than the Crusader Fleets, the Defense Fleet has specific areas of operations and ships clearly assigned to it. It is a permanent installation which protects assets and partners of the Hegemony against pirates, incursions, rebels or outward threats.

Put together by the partners themselves, scrambled fleet elements of previous or current allies as well as ships constructed by the Hegemony, the Defense Fleet is a very heterogenous force and not equipped for prolonged campaigns in theatres which are not their station - both a resource-measure as well as a balance of military might.
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Knights of Zakuul
"We serve justice."
The Knights of Zakuul are a militant chamber of Force Users, an order dedicated to the service of a greater good and not the Force and especially not either of the dogmatic aspects of it. Their philosophy is very simple: purge the Force sensitives and bring order and justice. They view the Force as a mere tool to do their duty, an extension of their equipment and skills, but not as their primary source of strength and power. They are led, like in ancient times, by a High Justice, their supreme commander who is the only high ranking Force sensitive in the society and hierarchy of the Hegemony. Structured in Shield Hosts, which are variable in size and composition, the Knights deploy to both law enforcement as well as combat missions led by their respective Shield Captains.

Ideology and the Force
"With shield and zeal we bring the end to chaos and complacency."
There is no greater code, no codex or higher goal the Knights follow - their laws, their ideals are the ones the Hegemony has. They oppose the rule of Force sensitives, they oppose chaos, anarchy and disorder, they are fighting those that seek to bring about any or all of those. They are servants of justice and of the law, soldiers of the Hegemony, the vanguard against the dogmatic cesspits of the Sith and Jedi Order. They are trained soldiers, warriors, and are bound to learn proper common skills just as they will hone their usage of the Force for combat.

The Force is tool, it is a weapon wielded, a stim taken and a shield raised, but not more worth than any of those. It is just another piece of equipment which cannot be dropped, sadly. They are aware of the more in-depth doctrines the Jedi and Sith pursue, the Dark and Light side and they defy it. No commoner would care about any ideology or orientation for as long as their neighbour is peaceful and lawful. It is what makes those Jedi and equally Sith so abominable, their strife for some higher-than-the-clouds balance nobody in the lower city levels gives a Feth about. They are pursuing war and domination in one way or the other, imposing their ideology on the masses and that is what is abominable, what is to be eradicated.

As for Force powers itself, the Knights heavily rely on augmentation abilities as well as their senses, not delving into the powers which change or influence reality as that is already part of what defines their primary foe, their primary prey.

Organisation & Ranks
"Our strength lies in our eternal determination."
The Knights of Zakuul are organised in Shield Hosts, units which greatly vary in size and compostion as they are put together for each task specifically. There can be a handful of Knights present to take out some criminal scum or it can be a hundred knights who are part of a large battle formation, tasked with taking out a stronghold of enemy Force users. The Shield Hosts will never be composed of the same members, always the selecting those most suitable as well as to prevent any deeper bonds and loyalties to form. Shield Hosts often sport various colors for the armors, gold being standard and most widespread, but dark grey, black and even red are not unseen. White is reserved for the Shield Host which is the First Shield Host.

The most common leader rank is the Shield Captain or Knight Captain, commanders of the Shield Hosts. They are distinguished officers, both capable of leadership as well as combat and investigation, who have performed their duty exemplarily in several missions and deployments.

Theoretically below the Shield Captain in rank, but higher in esteem and reputation, are the Paladins, veteran Knights who are extremely skilled warriors, excelling at combating other Force Users and countering their manifold abilities and powers. They often serve as special forces and go to the more dangerous missions where the presence of a strong Force user is expected.
From among the Paladins there are selected two Blade Champions, also called the White and the Black, one who excels at melee combat and one who is a potent Force combatant.

Externally referred to as Tribunes, but internally called Adjudicators, are the right and left hands of the High Justice. They are experienced commanders, often overseeing theaters as well as being responsible for administrative and organisational duties such as recruitment, training and equipment. Often a bit aged, but nevertheless capable, they are the working spine of operations.

Above all ranks the High Justice, leader of the Knights of Zakuul and responsible for their actions and overall performance. It is a demanding role to be answering for the existence of a Force user unit inside an anti-Force user realm, so their goal is to steadily aim to excel and be worthy, to use the Knights as efficiently as possible. They are the only Knight with access to the Citadel of the Hegemon, the others confined to remain in front of the gates or in their lonely bastion of a space station.

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