Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Dogs Eat Dogs

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The King of Ergonomic Assessments
  • Intent: To provide a dogfighting game within Chaos
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Mission: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Sith Inquisitor
  • Model: Dogs Eat Dogs combat flight simulator
  • Affiliation: Open-Market
  • Modularity: Yes, can add custom attack craft and scenarios
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Computer software
  • Attack craft designer
  • Scenario designer

The attack craft designer allows players to customize not only the hull of their craft, according to four archetypes: interceptors, fighters, bombers and gunships, customizing their weapons, armor, engines, shield generators and other systems while keeping in mind that the interactions between components may affect the flyability of the craft. Also the scenario designer allows one to design a mission and its objectives, with several opponents of varying levels, while also keeping in mind that some missions are not flown the same in presence or absence of gravity.

  • Provides a feel of the reflexes required of dogfighting
Weaknesses :
  • Steep learning curve
  • Player characters are assumed to be NFUs: does not provide an accurate feel for using the Force in piloting


Dogs eat Dogs is a game borne from the desires of the owner of its publisher to allow audiences of all levels a chance to have a feel for the reflexes required of dogfighting (although it assumes that the inertial compensator is at full power and that the player is unable to use the Force). For this reason, the game may be a little difficult to learn at first, especially since different craft are used for different purposes: space superiority fighters often tend to be more heavily armed and armored but slower than interceptors, interceptors are purely suited for strafing runs while bombers are poorly suited for dogfighting, and gunships are better-armed and armored but slower and easier to detect.

That said, each faction in play has its own campaign, with certain factions forcing you to choose between missions at certain points in the game in an either/or fashion, meaning that one needs to replay a faction's campaign multiple times in order to unlock the bonus missions, craft and equipment.
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