Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Merc without a Ship, Oh what fun!

Gray walked off of the shuttle and down the steps until he was complete off of the flying space bus. He stepped to the side to make way for the other passengers. He had been on a civilian shuttle decked out in his full body armor and blaster pistol strapped to his right leg as usual. It seems this didn't go over well with the other passengers because as soon as he was out of the way, they all began to hurry towards the port gate to flee into the safety of the crime ridden city of Coruscant.

Gray just watched them as they skittered off like the critters he had uncovered in the hulls of some derelict ships before. He just smirked under his helmet as he said to them as they left the shuttle, " Have a nice day, and maybe we can catch back up at your home or place of business!"

Gray noticed this got a more paniced hurry out of the less brave of the crowd and a shake of the head from the rest. He began to head to the gate as well after the last of the people had left the ship. He needed to find work while he was on the planet. Coruscant was always in need of someone with his kinds of talents, and he could use their credits. Crashing a ship into an inhabited planet full of farmers tended to get expensive. Especially when it was his ship and into their barns. He had managed to pay it off, barely, by selling most of his personal possessions, but now he needed whatever he could get just to survive. The shuttle ride made this need even more pressing.
Cerasi sat on one of the many shipping crates scattered around the spaceport. She had watched the ship land, scanning each individual who departed. She had to admit people watching was a bit of a hobby of hers. What she didn't expect to see were the passengers fleeing the ship in terror. That piqued her interest, causing her to straighten up, craning her head to the side a bit to get a better glimpse of the gangplank. A man was the last to depart, dressed in full trooper armour. He said something to the group, causing them to scurry away faster.

Curiousity got the better of Cerasi and she slid off the crate, quietly coming up behind the trooper. "We don't get many of your kind." He reminded her a bit like a clone that fought in the wars all those years ago. She thought clones were extinct. "What's your business here?"

[member="Gray Watcher"]
[member="Cerasi Kent"]

Gray heard a voice behind him as he was on his way to the gate. He turned around to see who had spoken to him and had to look down to see the girl who he had a good foot on in height.He studied her for a moment before he smiled under his helmet. He said, " Hello there shorty. What types do you not get around here much? Tall, handsome guys in the most formal of decor?"

Gray posed in his semi-dirty armor as if he was wearing the finest of suits.


Perfection in human form.
Vahn walked over to the figure wearing Clonetrooper armor.

"She asked a good question. No need to boast about your height. Now, where did you get that armor. That scrap looks expensive. Did you steal it from a Clone Wars Museum or whatever?"

Vahn looked back at the lady.

"No need to feel threatened by him, sweetie. Not everybody in the Galaxy are arrogant, boastful wannabe Clone troopers such as this guy. You deserve better."

[member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Gray Watcher"]
"You're right usually they are Arrogant and wannabe Storm Troopers. However a Clone Trooper? I don't think anyone would wanna be a soldier past their prime." TI said as he looked back at Vahn, Cerasi and Gray slightly chuckling as he took off his dirty black Imperial fighter helmet revealing his bald head and scruffy beard. He proceeded to hold out his hand for a handshake to the clone "How're you doing Old man?" he said snickering again before calming down and giving a straight face at him.
Kel walked passed the group of armored individuals, keeping her gaze focused on the spaceport in front of her. She had come here fro 'vacation' but really was just trying to get away from Fondor. The whole populace was getting poisoned by a coolant leak into the fresh water supply by one of the starship builders. Being the third largest ship manufacturer in the galaxy, Fondor could not lose the favor of the companies. So here she was, in the last place you would expect a Galactic Alliance sympathizer.

She was dressed in a finely woven green cloak, that she hoped would keep attention away from her, but her Zeltronian skin color did not help much. Kel glanced at the party of soldier-like professionals, causing her to step and trip over her green cloak, toppling her over like a domino. She yelled, "Kark!" as she hit the ground.

@TI-1027 @Vahn Fett [member="Gray Watcher"] [member="Cerasi Kent"]
[member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Vahn Fett"] @TI-1027 [member="Salete Kel"]

Gray looked between the two men that had shown up. Leave it to Curoscant to have space ports that caused these kinds of encounters. He decided the ignore the sharply dressed man in white armor and turned to the other man. He smiled under his helmet and said, " Oh I am doing great for my age!"

Gray pulled off his helmet and held it at his side as he said, " See? Hardly aged a day since the War!"

Gray chuckled a moment before the poor woman suddenly tripped over this cluster of manly man-things. He bent down and offered her his free hand as he said, " Sorry about that. I think our little ego contest got a bit to big and bumped you over."
Kel took his hand, as she pulled her self up. Slightly blushing, she said, "Oh don't worry, it's my karking leg, hasn;t worked right since before my speeder incident." She paused for a moment, regaining her usual aristocratic disposition, she stood at her full composure and introduced herself, "My name is Salete Kel, daughter of Harun Kel, owner of Kel Merchant Shipping Company." She lied. Kel couldn't just tell anyone she was a governor, especially not on Coruscant. Kel began to ask a few questions of the man who had helped her up, "What are you doing here on Coruscant, Mr...?"

[member="Gray Watcher"]
Cerasi looked at the three people in front of her, one clone, one Imperial fighter, and one Mandalorian hunter. "Did I miss the memo but is heavy armour in nowadays?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest casually. She chuckled. "Not really my kind of look, to be honest." She focused on the first man, the one in the clone armour. "And I meant we don't get many clones. They're extinct. Even their descendants, Stormtroopers, are outdated." She glanced at the other two. Two of them took their helmets off, revealing bald-head-and-beard and brown-hair-in-braids. She looked at the one in white, partially expecting him to take off his helmet too.

"I'm not threatened." Her gaze hardened slightly at the wannabe clone in question. "I was simply asking a question."

[member="Gray Watcher"] [member="Vahn Fett"] [member="TI-1027"] [member="Salete Kel"]
[member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Salete Kel"]

Gray turns his attention away from the pretty pink lady and looks at Cerasi. He smiles at her as he says, " And I wasn't threatening you. Just making a joke... a bad one at that."

Gray takes a step back so he can get both of the women in sight and says with a slight bow, " The name is Gray Watcher. Half Mandalorian mercenary at your service!" He turns his attention to Cerasi and adds, " And what might your name be?"
TI's attention was brought over to Cerasi slightly annoyed by her calling him outdated. But proceeded to keep calm "Heh, you shouldn't say things like that ma'am especially in Coruscant." he said before stepping towards Cesari as she continued to talk to the Clone trooper his black armor clanking around his dirty black flight suit. Before stopping right beside her immediately taking out his DH-17 and proceeding to twirl it around his fingers. "It could get ya killed you know?"
Her eyes flicked from the clone to the TIE fighter pilot. "Oh no, Mr. Watcher, I don't think you were threatening me. Him on the other hand," she gestured with her head towards the man in black armour. Shrugging, she raised her hands slightly. "I didn't mean anything by it. That's just what I was taught. And the fact is we just don't get them around here."

She blinked at the TIE fighter, who still had yet to reveal his name. "Cerasi." Her eyes darted from his blaster to his face. "I like your gun."

[member="Gray Watcher"] [member="TI-1027"]
Kel let out a slight grin as the merc bowed and introduced himself. She brushed off her cloak as Cesari answered and came to look at Gray again. She remembered she didn't have any personnel out here on Coruscant, and these streets weren't safe at night. Kel asked the merc another question, "So, Gray, are you currently engaged in any job? Because if you aren't, I am in search of a bodyguard." She really hoped he would accept, not only because of her safety, but she kind of liked the guy too.

[member="Gray Watcher"]
@TI-1027 [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Salete Kel"]

Gray's hand drifted down to his blaster as the Imperial walked over and spoke to the young woman name Cerasi. He had liked the man earlier, but that little threat did not sit well with him. He smiled at the man and the young woman both as he said, " How about everyone keeps their pieces holstered here? Rather not have anyone dropping to the this nice clean floor."

Gray turned his attention to Kel while keeping an eye on the tie fighter and replied back to her, " Me engaged? Sadly not, but I wouldn't mind guarding your body. Guarding it nice and close to mine." He winked at her for a moment with a smirk before putting more attention back onto the man with the gun.
Kel laughed, "Well your a bold one aren't you? Here, take this datachip, it will give you information on where to meet me later. I hope to see you soon." She dropped the chip into Gray's hands, and flipped the hood over her head. Kel began to limp off, but before she left the platform, she turned and waved goodbye to the bunch. Slowly Kel disappeared within the crowds, heading back to her suite she had found sanctuary in from Fondor.

[member="Gray Watcher"]
TI looks over at Gray continuing to twirl his blaster around. "I wasn't planning on using it i was simply telling her the truth." he said before turning his attention to Cesari noticing her compliment towards his blaster and her introducing herself. "Ah, my name is TI-1027 Imperial Tie Fighter. Or former should i say." he said before holstering his blaster back. "And thank you for the compliment, That's one way to get out of a sticky situation." he looked over at Kel after Gray began to hit onto her. "Ma'am if ya want to screw a fossil i could have taken ya to a museum."

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