Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Such a Nice talk. (Brianne Zambrano)

He loved working in his little shop. It wasn't that large. There where two tables and what seemed like a bar. Behind it however was not drinks but a grill and some pots. Above him however was a Menu which showed the specials along with some customer favorites. He never got that big of a crowd but, those who had arrived at the store have said to love the food and the service. One thing this chef liked was to talk to his customers. He enjoyed listening to their stories and even enjoyed talking about his own.

The shop was to closed at 12 but it wasn't even close to that time. Ty saw that as more time to meet new people and to hear more stories. His supplies where on the up and he was feeling good. At this moment we wondered who he would meet next.

[member="Brianne Zambrano"]

Brianne smiled as she got away from her interestingly massive mother and soon found herself sitting at the counter of the place with her credits secured in her cloak and her eyes running over the menu. She didn't even notice this man wasn't human but really she didn't care as much as the others int he Zambrano family did about the master race of the Epicanthix... after all she was only Epicanthix in genetics after all.
As the girl sat at the counter he smiled lightly "Oh, hi there. What would you like?" He began to prepare the stove. He put one of his hands out and lit the grill with pyrokinesis.

Now he was prepared for anything she would ask for. As he looked her over he could smell something odd on her. It wouldn't exactly be the first time but, it seemed rather odd for someone who looks like her. It was a familiar yet unfamiliar smell. Either way she seemed relaxed enough to have come over to his little shop.

The thing with Ty was the fact that he gave off a warm personality. Most people where able to easily speak to him no matter the person.

[member="Brianne Zambrano"]

Brianne blinked and looked up before bitting the inside of her cheek and looking back at the menu as she sat there before shrugging. "I honestly am not sure.... surprise me." She smiled at him as she looked up and watched the use of pyrokinesis, a knowing glint in her eyes as her brow rose and she looked at him. She herself couldn't use it and she had heard that Ruffers were able to learn it easily, but it was still a show to her no matter what it was that it was being used for in the first place.
He nodded "Alright. One Chefs Special coming right up!" He smiled as he used the force to bring over some meat. He continued by cooking up some vegetables and squaring it off with some rice from some of the rice growers nearby. He did almost like a stir fry. The mix of his use of pyrokinesis makes his cooking almost look like a show. Although it felt rather steamy he was unaffected by it. As he cooked he smiled towards the girl and asked "So, hows it going? I'd never thought I'd see a girl like you wandering around alone." At least from what he had seen.

[member="Brianne Zambrano"]

She looked up with a interested look at the second set of words and rested her hands on the counter as she looked back at the one who had spoke. "And what is it that i am like, why would it be strange?" She smiled back at him, no malice or anything in it, just genuine curiosity and mischief. She watched him work though her eyes watching him as he cooked and she was interested in just what was in this chef's special of his that he had just chosen.
He thought a bit as he continued to prepare the meal. "Well... You're rather attractive and normally attractive girls either have dates or someone with them." He smiled. "I've worked here for awhile but, having a situation like this is rare." He brought back his focus onto the meal. He was almost done with the meal. It wasn't even that pricey in terms of credits, about 15 credits. He watched as she watched him cook the meal.

[member="Brianne Zambrano"]

She smiled and looked up at the ceiling as she reddened a bit. "Well, lets just say that the person who is my mother tends to scare off anyone that finds a shot at trying... or they are just a bit touched in the head where they think they can impress said mother somehow...point being im an odd one." She glanced back down after trying to get the red to vanish, moving her hair forward a bit to better hide it. "So what is in the dish?"
He chuckled "Well you don't have to worry about that here. You are in my shop and you can have a relatively free spirit." He served her the dish "This dish has meats, veggies and, the works." He smiled "Just enjoy, alright?" He gave a warming smile as, he waited for her reaction when she tasted the food.

[member="Brianne Zambrano"]

"WEll you are very informative my friend... very well then sense i guess my hands are tied in the matter." She smiled as she held them together and lifted them up quick as part of the joke, her eues focusing on the meal now as she thought about something for half a second before taking the first bite her eyes focusing on the ceiling while she tasted it before starting to speak. "This is the absolute, utterly disgusting thing on the face of the planet... is what i would say if i had no tastebuds." She smiled down at him and continued to eat as she watcched for his own reaction to her joke.
He smiled. She seemed to be getting confortable. He laughed at her reaction to the dish. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying the meal. If you want anything to drink simply ask. Heck you could have seconds if you want too." He stopped himself and chuckled "Maybe I should ask you that after you finish this plate. If you do want seconds however its no charge." He began to clean through the pan that he had just used to make the food. No matter how steamy it got behind the stand. His hair wasn't affected. The heat didn't even bother him.

He leaned back against the counter behind him and smiled. He simply took a breath as he waited for her. He didn't get many customers at this time anyways.

[member="Brianne Zambrano"]

She simply ate and looked up from the food with a smile as she noticed something a bit more about this one. "What are you doing running a place like this? What i mean is how come you haven't looked to seek training. I mean i understand the Jedi are stuck up snobs and my own mother's order is... a bit harsh, but you could probably do something good for yourself if you became one, maybe even have people cook for you instead." She wiped her mouth with a cloth she kept on hand, looking at the man.
He shook his head to the girl. "In all honesty I simply can't do that. I love cooking for people. Plus I don't really like the whole take your side thing. Everything is always for their own good. Heck some people do it for their own personal gain." He sighed and gave some thought to it. "Why have the need to ask though? Not that I mind but, I'm just curious" he chuckled.

[member="Brianne Zambrano"]

"It was more out of curiosity than a real try at making you become a Sith. I mean Sure, i could have been the typical type and made you join or else i do something violent or something... but i think you and ii both would rather i not do something violent and just have a good conversation. That and i won't lie, for a Ruffer, you are kind of cute... but only kind of." She grinned up at the thing, but then looked back at the food as she finished it off.

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