Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Salvation (Metellos, Coruscant System)

Ever since Ruusan, Dredge hadn't been the same. When he had found peace in his final moments he was yanked away from it and forced to carry on with his existence of self loathing and sadness. Gone was the self righteous and pompous god that had laid claim to Hapes. Now there was only sadness behind those bright white eyes, only the pain and suffrage of someone who had looked into the abyss and was turned away.

So what was next? What could a powerful being such as Dredge possibly want next?

He honestly didn't know. The idea of someone getting up each and every day and saying "Let's take on the day!" It was completely lost to him. It was as foreign as a concept to him as the every day rat race of humanity's struggle for meaning. But he had to save them from that, he had to save them all from the pain and despair. From those who looked down on beaten and broken and laughed from their floating Babylons.

Metellos, a planet in the same System as Coruscant on the doorstep of the Galactic Alliance. It was filled to the brim with people to the point of overcrowding and it reeked of desperation. Over nine hundred billion lives forced to carry out the thankless tasks of greedy corporations. Families ripped apart and made to live on the streets from lack of housing. Entire floating cities that housed the extremely rich while those on the ground suffered. There was just so much pain, so much struggle and sadness that Dredge had to take it away. He had to give these people more than just this loop that wore them down until they died.

Standing in the open streets of the city planet, Dredge looked down at the hundreds of people who had crowded to gaze upon him. He made no efforts to attack them or convert, all he did was stand and let the people spread his image through the holonet. Soon the Galaxy would see the sad eyed entity and know he had set a target of turning a planet of nine hundred billion lives into a place of salvation and meaning. To break their chains and let them ascend to a higher form of existence.
Somewhere in the outer rim, Cedric felt a weird something in the Great Ocean, and that was that.​

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