Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Right Place at the Wrong Time

Trixter walked slowly through the large horde of people. Coruscant was so large and so east to get lost in. The perfect place for him at the moment. After all, what's an assassination if it isn't sneaky?

The rain fell down on the city lightly and it showed no real signs of slowing down. The crowds of people didn't notice. Nor did Trixter. They just walked through it like it was air.

He was here to assassinate a low ranking Republic diplomat who was quickly gaining a following. Why he was hired to kill him specifically, he didn't ask. He took the job because it would result in the death of an enemy and the credits payed well. So he was there, walking slowly towards the apartment complex of the diplomat.

He was ready to kill his target and anyone else who got in his way.

[member="Pel Duval"]
This place was disgusting. Pel's yellow eyes looked around from under his red hood. Everyone here was filth, especially the one he wanted to kill. Some blaster Republic politician. Honestly, he had no real hatred for the Republic, just this one man. Pel had been tracking down enemies from his past. Specifically, ones who'd been responsible for his time as a slave.

As it turned out, this particular man had helped kidnap, and smuggle Pel's parents to Tatooine, and sold them to a blasted Sith Lord. As he pondered his target, Pel's anger grew, and intensified. Soon, he was practically emanating fury, and some people even gave them strange looks as he walked past. He stopped in front of the apartment building the man was staying in. He grimaced, and started walking into the building.

As Trixter reached the front door he felt something was off. His new awareness of his force sensitivity was strange to him, to feel others and where they were. And now he could sense that there was someone moving through the building.

Slowly he reached for his new lightsaber, in the other hand he gripped his small DL-18 blaster pistol. He didn't activate his lightsaber, he didn't want himself to be known. Yet.

Slowly he walked into the main hallway. He noticed two elevators on the wall and to the right of them were a flight of stairs. Slowly he started making his way up the stairs. His target was on the top floor. This unknown presence was on the second. He was ready.

[member="Pel Duval"]
Pel, too, felt the presence of another Force Sensitive entering the building. However, he had no idea what he was sensing, only that something connected to the Force was there. The Giants shrugged off the feeling, and pressed a button for the elevator. It was just coming down, and carried in it a small family. A mother, a father, and two children. All human. Pel jutted his thumb over his shoulder. "Out."

The family rushed out of the elevator, and Pel walked in. He ducked slightly, his head almost getting hit. Damn, being tall could be a real pain. He pressed the button for the top floor, and the doors slid shut. Pel shuttered as the elevator shot up into the building. Why can't they just have stairs? He thought.

Trixter slowly made his way through the hall, kneeling slightly down to muffle his footsteps. He couldn't risk being caught. As he walked he could feel the sense of the other being move closer to him. He slowed himself.

He found himself moving towards the doors of an elevator. He stopped and stood up straight, knowing the other force user was in this elevator. As it approached he grabbed his blaster and raised it, aiming at the center of the door. He gave a wide smile and chuckled slightly.

"Let's see what's inside," he announced to himself with a laugh.

[member="Pel Duval"]
Danger. The word rang through his head, reverberating inside of his skull. Pel looked around the elevator, trying to find out where the voice was coming from. He ignored it, shrugging his shoulders. However, a hand still fell down to his two handed lightsaber. He tensed his muscles, taking a defensive stance. Even though Pel thought that voice was outrageous, he still subconsciously listened to it.

As the elevator doors slid open, Pel jumped back. He brought his saber up in a flash, and ignited its crimson blade. He crossed it over his chest, so as to defend from any blaster shots. And to keep it from cutting into the ceiling of the elevator.

Trixter started laughing as the unknown contact raised his weapon in defense. He slightly lowered his blaster and examined him. He laughed a little bit more before stopping to talk. "You seem a little nervous," he commented, his voice dying down slightly.

Lowering the blaster he moved back, showing he wasn't going to attack. "Calm down, you aren't my target," he assured him. "Yet," he added with a wide grin. He leaned up against the wall, showing little fear even though he could easily be attacked right now. "You may find we have similar goals," he announced.

He could tell. Based on his choice of clothing and weapons. No one would just travel to a apartment complex equipped to fight unless they expected a fight. Trixter expected one and so did this stranger.

[member="Pel Duval"]

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