Vilaz Munin
Aliit Alor
Mandalore; Beskar'yaim
The armor didn't feel...right. It didn't feel comfortable at all. Was it the size of it? Was it the weight of it? What was it? Best guess was that it didn't fit in his personality. Everyone Mandalorian's armor may look the same from the exterior, but each one's beskar'gam was unique and different from one another. Mostly, they designed their armor that described themselves, that expressed themselves by paining the iron clad armor, decorating it, adding armaments, and such and such. As mentioned, there was an ingredient missing to have a unique armor that described Vilaz. And he wasn't going to the same beskarsmith that forged his armor, since it didn't feel right or "fit" Vilaz.
However, he did knew another beskarsmith that he met in a bar recently. He seemed to know his stuff. And he owned an island with his own forge where he created weapons, armor, and all you can imagine that a black smith could create. He already had the beskar with him which was his armor, but the smith could reforge his armor by using the Mandalorian Iron from his armor. As for armaments he already had them: a wrist flamethrower and wrist grappling hook bought from ARGH, an dart shoot which would be integrated in the armor, and a wrist rocket launcher system. For miscellaneous features they would be added with the armor once the phenotype of the was created.
A Tegaanalir class patrol ship flew in the skies of Mandalore as it was heading towards its destination. Moments later the freighter hovered over a docking pad of the island and then landed on the pad. A hiss escaped as the hatch was opened and a figure along with his pet Vornskr walked out onto the pad and the sun hit on him. No hesitation came to him and continued walking with his beskar'gam equipped to him and Dalso walking by his side. Awaiting for a welcome and a short tour of the owner of the island the Rally Master just kept on walking with no guide or map as if he was a lost man in a foreign region.
[member=Ijaat Akun]

The armor didn't feel...right. It didn't feel comfortable at all. Was it the size of it? Was it the weight of it? What was it? Best guess was that it didn't fit in his personality. Everyone Mandalorian's armor may look the same from the exterior, but each one's beskar'gam was unique and different from one another. Mostly, they designed their armor that described themselves, that expressed themselves by paining the iron clad armor, decorating it, adding armaments, and such and such. As mentioned, there was an ingredient missing to have a unique armor that described Vilaz. And he wasn't going to the same beskarsmith that forged his armor, since it didn't feel right or "fit" Vilaz.
However, he did knew another beskarsmith that he met in a bar recently. He seemed to know his stuff. And he owned an island with his own forge where he created weapons, armor, and all you can imagine that a black smith could create. He already had the beskar with him which was his armor, but the smith could reforge his armor by using the Mandalorian Iron from his armor. As for armaments he already had them: a wrist flamethrower and wrist grappling hook bought from ARGH, an dart shoot which would be integrated in the armor, and a wrist rocket launcher system. For miscellaneous features they would be added with the armor once the phenotype of the was created.
A Tegaanalir class patrol ship flew in the skies of Mandalore as it was heading towards its destination. Moments later the freighter hovered over a docking pad of the island and then landed on the pad. A hiss escaped as the hatch was opened and a figure along with his pet Vornskr walked out onto the pad and the sun hit on him. No hesitation came to him and continued walking with his beskar'gam equipped to him and Dalso walking by his side. Awaiting for a welcome and a short tour of the owner of the island the Rally Master just kept on walking with no guide or map as if he was a lost man in a foreign region.
[member=Ijaat Akun]