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Approved Tech MT-C9 Elite Cybernetic Eyes

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Intent: A custom pair of cybernetic eyes for Vi'kas Mirtis, since he is a Miraluka
Manufacturer: Mystic Tekk
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Vi'kas Mirtis
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Synthetic biological components, high-resolution lens, zooms lens, neural implant chip, full-spectrum viewer, thermal viewer, night vision viewer, holonet connector, vitals scanner, ID scanner, general scanner, HUD, X-Ray, life form scanner
Description: This is a high-tech pair of cybernetic eyes for Vi'kas Mirtis. Some features include: Dark Purple Irises, High-Resolution view, capability to see in all spectrums of light, feature-controlling neural implant chip, life form scanner, zooming capabilities, thermal vision, night vision, integrated holonet capabilities, real eye design, HUD, vital signs scanner, full 360 degree range of motion, X-Ray, ID scanner, and general scanner, (weapons scans, metal detector, species identifier, etc.)

In-Depth Description: The cybernetic eyes look completely normal on the outside, that is, except for the dark purple irises. The eyes allow the user to see with high resolution, but with extra options. The HUD is the "access hatch" for the special capabilities. It has access to the holonet, and can be used accordingly. These eyes also have a full 360 degree range of motion (creepy). The integrated scanner can check IDs, species, vital signs, metals, lifeforms, etc. These eyes can also see in all spectrums of light, as well as thermal, x-ray, and night vision. These eyes also can work as binoculars, zooming in over great distances. These eyes are controlled by a cybernetically implanted neural chip.

*Please note that these features are controlled by the neural implant chip, and can be turned on/off with it.
Vi'kas Mirtis said:
Description: This is a high-tech pair of cybernetic eyes for Vi'kas Mirtis. Some features include: Dark Purple Irises, High-Resolution view, capability to see in all spectrums of light, feature-controlling neural implant chip, life form scanner, zooming capabilities, thermal vision, night vision, integrated holonet capabilities, real eye design, HUD, vital signs scanner, full 360 degree range of motion, X-Ray, ID scanner, and general scanner, (weapons scans, metal detector, species identifier, etc.)
I need a more in-depth description of how this performs, what it does, the effects of such, and so on. The neural implant will also require a separate submission.
@Vi'kas Mirtis
The technology itself is fine, but I want to give you a heads up that Miraluka evolved to no longer be born with eyes, the nerves which connect to the eyes, or portions of the brain that deal with eyesight. I'm not going to claim to be an expert of the Miraluka species, so I just suggest you tread carefully with this. Pending secondary.
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