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Captain Triam Akovin, of Peacekeeper Company Mercy


"Arrange for Peace." - Captain Akovin

NAME: Triam Akovin, Captain Akovin, The Remorseless
FACTION: The Empire
RANK: Captain of Peacekeeper Company Mercy
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.7 meters
WEIGHT: 72 Kilograms
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White


  • Highly Intelligent, both mechanically and strategically.
  • Muscular and fit, the true physique of a hardened soldier in an age where War as we know it does not exist.
  • Desensitized to emotion, and lacking any remorse or regrets for any given action. Everything is calculated and reduced to numbers.

  • As stubborn as the original.
  • Serious gambler, she plays with dice in how she deals with other lives, especially those directly under her command. If she rolls good, so do they. If she rolls bad... they aren't coming back.
  • Dehumanized. Unable or unwilling to take into account others emotions, even her own, she has fallen into an incredibly deep apathetic depression. Only her duty drives her along.

APPEARANCE: Captain Akovin is not one to often be seen without her armor on (due to an over bloated sense of pride in her duty, and an unhealthy dash of paranoia), but when she is, she isn't exactly one to be called beautiful, or at least not any more. There might be charm to it, but Triam focuses more on the appearance of her freshly polished armor than she does for her flat short blonde hair. Her figure is muscular but still feminine, and although perhaps slightly attractive in her physique she isn't too endowed either. These are all cursory, even nonexistent worries for her though.



Born as the daughter of a successful general in the Imperial Peacekeeper Brigade, Triam had always been exposed to the honorable life of a Peacekeeper, and she had always been exposed to a great deal of wealth, but her daddy was stringent about how it got to her. Some might say that his parenting skills were a bit too extreme for a child; more often than not his expectations were completely unachievable and it was still expected that she was capable of doing it simply because she was his daughter. This proved to be a bit difficult, but like all smart kids she learned how to deal with it. However, her daddy wasn't entirely perfect, and through this imperfection they learned affection for one another in a vice.

Gambling. She could not remember a time when her father wasn't betting on something happening with a group of buddies... well perhaps she did, when he wasn't home she couldn't see it happening. That man would gamble on anything, and even when he lost, he was absolutely convinced he still came out on top in the end. Which leads to the next thing her daddy gave her, stubborn pride in her own resolve. She often found that this particular vice was her "Get Out of Reeducation Free" Card, whenever she encountered an expectation that was simply too high, and found ways of lowering that expectation with a gamble she could achieve in order to impress her father. She used gambled to its full advantage when it came to buying the affection of her father. She did have a mother, but she didn't seem to have a very profound impact on her, she just served to show Triam what it was like to be mindless and without serious use. At least in her eyes, that's how it was, despite her mother's happiness.

But by far the most monumental impression he made on her, was his stories. There just isn't anything in the galaxy quite like an old veteran whipping up a story to his kid. Of course, there weren't any actual wars, but there were a sleuth of stories, criminal unrests, and tall tale to be told of whose status on fictionalization matter little to a captivated 9 year old. In her wild little mind, her father with his life and habits represented excitement, honor and fulfillment; while her mother represented the exact opposite. It was the only thing she could possibly think about as a child, the only thing she dreamed of, the only thing worth dreaming of.

Of course, she reached a period in which those impressions were dulled by the teenage years of schooling, boys, and partying. Her father's iron grip on morals had let her slip through his fingers as he squeezed, and put her down a road not fit for a loyal Imperial. The sentiments still stuck with her a bit though, never really going away even as it was drowned out by sex and washed away with loud music. It wasn't until her father died however, till it really made her. From then on, boys, parties, and sex didn't seem so great anymore. They were pastimes, chores to do at the house... dormancy. She felt lonely without him, even in spite of his impossible expectations... perhaps even dead inside. She was empty, and abandoned. She felt as if though no one else could understand or help her. So, she joined the Peacekeepers as soon as she could.

She was trained just like her daddy was so long ago, and the Peacekeepers tried to discipline her... and she disciplined them back. She flew through Basic Training with flying colours, some of the best they had seen in a long time. There were numerous branches within the Peacekeeper organization that recommended her to join in their little segment, but they couldn't interest her. She was going to honor father, and honor her Empire by doing exactly what he did.

There a few names now, within the Peacekeeper organization, as feared as the name "Akovin". Captain Akovin had served her Empire faithfully with an unwavering loyalty, serving so effectively as to become the fabled, "The Remorseless". Like an Urban Myth, she stalked the criminal corridors and back alleys of the Empire with merciless brutal efficiency. She relies on her technical knowledge and innovatively unorthodox methods to ensure that the Peace in the Empire is kept, and she enacts this peace through her Peacekeeper Company, known as "Mercy"... an ironic misnomer.

It was a life a Captain for her, and nothing else. She was out in the Galaxy prepared for the peace to come, with nothing more than a stoic face behind a cold mask...

SHIP: The same ship where her men and woman can be found, if they are ever deported off-world.





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