Astra Zeen

[SIZE=9pt]NAME:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Astra Zeen
[SIZE=9pt]SPECIES:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Near Human (Zeltron/Human)
AGE: [/SIZE]25
SEX: Male
[SIZE=9pt]EYES:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Lavender[/SIZE]
HAIR: [SIZE=9pt]Lavender[/SIZE]
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Empathy: Due to his Zeltron genes he has the ability to sense what others are feeling as well as pushing his own onto them
[SIZE=9pt]+Agility: Astra is significantly more agile then a normal human as well as flexible.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+Pain Tolerance: Due to years of torture and being used Astra's pain tolerance is extremely[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] high. [/SIZE]
-Broken Mentality: If someone skilled delved into his mind and used telepathy on him Astra would suffer from his past memories
-PTSD: Can suffer from emotional breakdown every now and then
-Anger: His rage is like a wildfire and just keeps growing
-Alone: He has been abandoned by everyone that should have cared for him
-possensions: Astra has nothing to call his own. Not even himself.
[SIZE=9pt]Astra Zeen has a flamboyant look about him, though it’s mainly from the Zeltron genes he acquired from his mother. As his looks are so close to feminine that in his childhood he was often mistaken for a girl. His cyan blue hair is natural from his Zeltron genes and so are his eyes that match his hair blow for blow. His face still has a feminine charm but it’s more evident that he is a man then in his childhood. His body is littered with scars from the abuse he suffered as a kid, but he is more physically fit then a lot of people with broad shoulders.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]Astra Zeen was born to a father who had at once lived on Coruscant but after losing his job and being sued for a large amount of money he fled the planet retreating to the only other world where someone down on their luck could strike it big and change his life. Nar Shadaa, Astra’s father had even changed his last name to Zeen to avoid everything about his past life. [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]On Nar’Shada, Astra’s father dove head straight into gambling using his savings to try and strike it big at the casino’s or at the speeder races. It was all he could do taking odd jobs here and there for the criminal underbelly. Astra’s father had even forsaken his wife and had began sleeping around with whoever he could afford, which one of them happened to be a Zeltron and one night of passion and lust was all it took for Astra to be born. [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]Once figuring out that he had spawned another child Astra’s father fled the planet once again leaving the pregnant Zeltron behind bearing his child. The Zeltron carried Astra though and birthed him willing to give raising a child a try. For the first few years Astra’s life was a struggled but he felt as though he had a loving mother who raised him. By the time he was eight however, everything changed. Astra’s mother became bitter. Seeing the child as nothing but something to limit her from going out and having fun. As well as a waste of her money. [/SIZE]Turning to a local crime organization known for slave smuggling the Zeltron was able to sell Astra extremely easily due to his feminine looks.
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[SIZE=9pt]Being left to the slavers hurt Astra more than any physical pain ever could. Abandoned by his father before he was even born then abandoned by his mother. It didn’t take long for someone to buy Astra planning on using the boy as something akin to entertainment. This type of entertainment is something that no one should have to be subject to whether old or young. Astra was nothing more than a toy for numerous men his feminine charms something they craved. He was subject to this for most of his life up till the point where he began killing the customers that tried to use him as a toy his hate for them larger than that he felt for his own parents that had abandoned him to this fate. Every now and then after he was beaten and tortured for his acts there was an occasional customer that would take advantage of his weakness. Something that Astra promises will never happen again after he get’s free.[/SIZE]
Astra was stumbled upon by his long lost brother Meric Nadun and freed from the dastardly clutches of the slavers on Nar'Shadaa. Promises were made for Astra to join his brother in the Paecian empire, but Astra just wasn't ready for such a thing and instead wandered off on his own to find himself, find a true cause. One to satisfy his urge to purge the galaxy of the scum like the ones who had enslaved him his entire life.
Mother: Zeltron women
Father: Are you my father?
Older Brother: [member="Meric Nadun"]